Sunday, November 18, 2018

What I've learned since moving to D.C. (some of which should be obvious): 0142

7051.  Elizabeth is O+;
7052.  On October 22nd, 2018, I found out (that) I’m not going to be a father/dad;
7053.  I thought (that) I didn’t want to be a father/dad, but maybe I do now. . . . At (the very) least, I’m (more) open to it;
7054.  Progress would be impossible if we always did things the way we always have;
7055.  The ability to participate in miracles happens when you open your mind to your limitless potential;
7056.  If you fail to align your thoughts with the success you’re capable of attracting, the weight of the dominant thoughts will tip the scale away from a balanced life;
7057.  What you most need to learn is how to create a match between what it is that you desire in your life and what thoughts or vibrational energy you’re choosing to attract those desires;
7058.  Anytime you’re filled with resentment, you’re turning the controls of your emotional life over to others to manipulate;
7059.  There are no justified resentments;
7060.  Removing blame means never assigning responsibility to anyone for what you’re experiencing.  It means that you’re willing to say, “I may not understand why I feel this way, why I have this illness, why I’ve been victimized or why I had this accident, but I’m willing to say without any guilt or resentment that I own it.  I live with and I am responsible for having it in my life.”  Why do this?  If you take responsibility for having it then at least you have a chance to also take responsibility for removing it or learning from it;
7061.  First, you have to get past blame.  Then you have to learn to send love to all rather than anger and resentment;
7062.  Why would I allow something that belongs to someone else to be a source of my resentment?
7063.  What you think of me is none of my business;
7064.  Apparently, oysters shouldn’t be eaten during the months without an “r” (i.e., May through August);
7065.  The chicken paillard (i.e., buttermilk-marinated, fried chicken breast over duck fat, smashed potatoes, chicken jus & a salad of arugula, radicchio, pickled shallots & honey-mustard) at Bastille Restaurant & Wine Bar in (Old Town) Alexandria is tasty;
7066.  The coffee at Misha’s Coffee House ( in (Old Town) Alexandria is (a little) bitter;
7067.  Apparently, (South) Lee Street is the place to be for Halloween in (Old Town) Alexandria;
7068.  The fried chicken and waffles (i.e., chicken breast tenderloins fried in a house blend of spices served over a sweet potato waffle & topped with a country sausage gravy) at Southside 815 ( in (Old Town) Alexandria are tasty. . . . They’re served on Wednesdays and Sundays;
7069.  Diaphragm . . . check;
7070.  (When used correctly,) a diaphragm is a 94% effective form of birth control;
7071.  I can say (that) I’ve been on a (romantic,) dinner cruise;
7072.  Apparently, most guys don’t dance;
7073.  Elizabeth thinks I’m a good dancer;
7074.  Pussy hair stuck in your teeth . . . check;
7075.  Elizabeth thinks I’m good at oral . . . and, apparently, I’m the best she’s (ever) had;
7076.  Apparently, most guys sweat . . . and smell;
7077.  Elizabeth doesn’t think I smell;
7078.  Freddie Mercury was born in the Sultanate of Zanzibar (now Tanzania);
7079.  Queen had quite a few hits;
7080.  Caffeine may affect tinnitus (i.e., ringing in the ears);
7081.  Taking B vitamins and ginkgo biloba may help with tinnitus;
7082.  Some female audiologists (specifically Ann Hinds) are rather attractive;
7083.  Apparently, my hearing is fine;
7084.  I think chewing SweeTarts “Skulls & Bones” candy could (probably) break your teeth;
7085.  SweeTarts “Skulls & Bones” candy reminds me of chewable vitamins;
7086.  I (now) understand why parents don’t go out anymore after they have kids;
7087.  Getting a blowjob in public (specifically a closed off, construction site on a D.C. street) . . . check;
7088.  I can say (that) I’ve been in a suite for a football game at Scott Stadium. . . . They’re (rather) nice;
7089.  Alcohol is allowed in the suites at Scott Stadium;
7090.  Apparently, you’re a member of the 1838 Society if you give to the Alumni Association of the University of Virginia for 15 consecutive years;
7091.  Getting a blowjob at your girlfriend’s (girl)friend’s house . . . check . . . sex . . . (double) check;
7092.  It’s really easy to cut drywall;
7093.  I can say (that) I’ve hung drywall;
7094.  I can say (that) I’ve installed (part of) a ceiling;
7095.  You need special screws to install cement board;
7096.  I can say (that) I’ve installed cement board;
7097.  Apparently, you can stock your suite (at Scott Stadium) with your own alcohol, soda and food the day before each home (football) game;
7098.  I can say (that) I’ve dated someone for a year;
7099.  Elizabeth doesn’t like ketchup;
7100.  Lily Kershaw reminds me (a little of) Norah Jones;