9701. It is
reasonable to do what other people have always done unless we have a very good
reason not to;
9702. It is reasonable to become educated and work and find love and have a family;
9703. It is necessary to aim at your target, however traditional, with your eyes wide open;
9704. You have a direction, but it might be wrong. You have a plan, but it might be ill-formed. You may have been led astray by your own ignorance and worse by your own unrevealed corruption;
9705. You must make friends, therefore, with what you don’t know instead of what you know;
9706. You must remain awake to catch yourself in the act;
9707. You must remove the beam in your own eye before you concern yourself with the mote in your brother’s;
9708. You are by no means only what you already know. You are also all that which you could know if you only would;
9709. Every bit of learning is a little death. Every bit of new information challenges a previous conception forcing it to dissolve into chaos before it can be reborn as something better;
9710. Set your ambitions even if you are uncertain about what they should be;
9711. The better ambitions have to do with the development of character and ability rather than status and power;
9712. Status you can lose;
9713. You carry character with you wherever you go and it allows you to prevail against adversity;
9714. If you bend everything totally blindly and willfully towards the attainment of a goal and only that goal you will never be able to discover if another goal would serve you and the world better;
9715. If you allow yourself to be informed by the reality manifesting itself, as you struggle forward, your notions of what is important will change. You will reorient yourself sometimes gradually and sometimes suddenly and radically;
9716. Tell the truth. Or, at least, don’t lie;
9717. Memory is a tool;
9718. Memory is the past’s guide to the future;
9719. If you remember that something bad happened and you can figure out why then you can try to avoid that bad thing happening again. That’s the purpose of memory. It’s not “to remember the past.” It’s to stop the same damn thing from happening over and over;
9720. Elizabeth likes escargots;
9721. Charlie (Dog) likes strawberries;
9722. Making a (New York-style) cheesecake (from scratch) is rather time-consuming. . . . A large part (of it) is letting it cool and set;
9723. Charlie (Dog) likes cheesecake;
9724. People think they think, but it’s not true;
9725. It’s mostly self-criticism that passes for thinking;
9726. True thinking is rare just like true listening;
9727. Thinking is listening to yourself;
9728. To think, you have to be at least two people at the same time. Then you have to let those people disagree. Thinking is an internal dialogue between two or more different views of the world. Viewpoint one is an avatar in a simulated world. It has its own representations of past, present and future and its own ideas about how to act. So do viewpoints two, three and four. Thinking is the process by which these internal avatars imagine and articulate their worlds to one another;
9729. Training a dog is harder/more complicated than I thought;
9730. Apparently, you can 3D print (dental) crowns (now);
9731. Charlie (Dog) likes ricotta cheese;
9732. Stop the discussion for a moment and institute this rule: Each person can speak up for herself/himself only after s/he has first restated the ideas and feelings of the previous speaker accurately and to that speaker’s satisfaction;
9733. I think people (and, by extension, society) are more of what have you done for me lately versus what have you done for me in totality/cumulatively . . . we can be very myopic/shortsighted;
9734. If you blame someone else, there is no end to the blame;
9735. True words aren’t eloquent; eloquent words aren’t true;
9736. Wise men don’t need to prove their point; men who need to prove their point aren’t wise;
9737. Before a problem can be solved it must be formulated precisely;
9738. Women are often intent on formulating the problem when they are discussing something and they need to be listened to even questioned to help ensure clarity in the formulation;
9739. Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don’t;
9740. The pulled pork at HammerDown Barbeque (HammerDownBbq.com) in Aldie, Virginia, is tasty. . . . The spicy sauce has a residual kick to it;
9741. There are (red) foxes in (Old Town) Alexandria;
9742. Escargots can (actually) be tender (in particular the escargots persillade at Bastille Restaurant & Wine Bar in Old Town Alexandria). . . . Who knew?
9743. Apparently, Muammar Gaddafi had a crush on Condoleezza Rice;
9744. How you treat yourself is how you treat others;
9745. If you’re critical of yourself or you demand perfection of yourself, you’ll do the same to others;
9746. You can’t have good relationships with others until you have a good relationship with yourself;
9747. The University of Virginia’s men’s basketball team won the last NCAA tournament consolation game against Louisiana State University in 1981;
9748. It’s (actually) really easy to make “pigs in a blanket;”
9749. The cinnamon crunch bagel at Panera Bread is (pretty) tasty. . . . It’s more like dessert than (it’s) a bagel;
9750. Chocolate chip bagels (specifically Panera Bread’s) are tasty, but I’d still rather have a chocolate croissant;
9702. It is reasonable to become educated and work and find love and have a family;
9703. It is necessary to aim at your target, however traditional, with your eyes wide open;
9704. You have a direction, but it might be wrong. You have a plan, but it might be ill-formed. You may have been led astray by your own ignorance and worse by your own unrevealed corruption;
9705. You must make friends, therefore, with what you don’t know instead of what you know;
9706. You must remain awake to catch yourself in the act;
9707. You must remove the beam in your own eye before you concern yourself with the mote in your brother’s;
9708. You are by no means only what you already know. You are also all that which you could know if you only would;
9709. Every bit of learning is a little death. Every bit of new information challenges a previous conception forcing it to dissolve into chaos before it can be reborn as something better;
9710. Set your ambitions even if you are uncertain about what they should be;
9711. The better ambitions have to do with the development of character and ability rather than status and power;
9712. Status you can lose;
9713. You carry character with you wherever you go and it allows you to prevail against adversity;
9714. If you bend everything totally blindly and willfully towards the attainment of a goal and only that goal you will never be able to discover if another goal would serve you and the world better;
9715. If you allow yourself to be informed by the reality manifesting itself, as you struggle forward, your notions of what is important will change. You will reorient yourself sometimes gradually and sometimes suddenly and radically;
9716. Tell the truth. Or, at least, don’t lie;
9717. Memory is a tool;
9718. Memory is the past’s guide to the future;
9719. If you remember that something bad happened and you can figure out why then you can try to avoid that bad thing happening again. That’s the purpose of memory. It’s not “to remember the past.” It’s to stop the same damn thing from happening over and over;
9720. Elizabeth likes escargots;
9721. Charlie (Dog) likes strawberries;
9722. Making a (New York-style) cheesecake (from scratch) is rather time-consuming. . . . A large part (of it) is letting it cool and set;
9723. Charlie (Dog) likes cheesecake;
9724. People think they think, but it’s not true;
9725. It’s mostly self-criticism that passes for thinking;
9726. True thinking is rare just like true listening;
9727. Thinking is listening to yourself;
9728. To think, you have to be at least two people at the same time. Then you have to let those people disagree. Thinking is an internal dialogue between two or more different views of the world. Viewpoint one is an avatar in a simulated world. It has its own representations of past, present and future and its own ideas about how to act. So do viewpoints two, three and four. Thinking is the process by which these internal avatars imagine and articulate their worlds to one another;
9729. Training a dog is harder/more complicated than I thought;
9730. Apparently, you can 3D print (dental) crowns (now);
9731. Charlie (Dog) likes ricotta cheese;
9732. Stop the discussion for a moment and institute this rule: Each person can speak up for herself/himself only after s/he has first restated the ideas and feelings of the previous speaker accurately and to that speaker’s satisfaction;
9733. I think people (and, by extension, society) are more of what have you done for me lately versus what have you done for me in totality/cumulatively . . . we can be very myopic/shortsighted;
9734. If you blame someone else, there is no end to the blame;
9735. True words aren’t eloquent; eloquent words aren’t true;
9736. Wise men don’t need to prove their point; men who need to prove their point aren’t wise;
9737. Before a problem can be solved it must be formulated precisely;
9738. Women are often intent on formulating the problem when they are discussing something and they need to be listened to even questioned to help ensure clarity in the formulation;
9739. Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don’t;
9740. The pulled pork at HammerDown Barbeque (HammerDownBbq.com) in Aldie, Virginia, is tasty. . . . The spicy sauce has a residual kick to it;
9741. There are (red) foxes in (Old Town) Alexandria;
9742. Escargots can (actually) be tender (in particular the escargots persillade at Bastille Restaurant & Wine Bar in Old Town Alexandria). . . . Who knew?
9743. Apparently, Muammar Gaddafi had a crush on Condoleezza Rice;
9744. How you treat yourself is how you treat others;
9745. If you’re critical of yourself or you demand perfection of yourself, you’ll do the same to others;
9746. You can’t have good relationships with others until you have a good relationship with yourself;
9747. The University of Virginia’s men’s basketball team won the last NCAA tournament consolation game against Louisiana State University in 1981;
9748. It’s (actually) really easy to make “pigs in a blanket;”
9749. The cinnamon crunch bagel at Panera Bread is (pretty) tasty. . . . It’s more like dessert than (it’s) a bagel;
9750. Chocolate chip bagels (specifically Panera Bread’s) are tasty, but I’d still rather have a chocolate croissant;