10801. Some of
the deepest peace we can experience is living in integrity. You can lie to other people about who you are,
but you can’t lie to your heart;
10802. Be careful not to let the noise of your mind overpower the whispers of your heart;
10803. Life is always happening in just one moment. That’s all you’re responsible for;
10804. You can’t lifehack wisdom. Do the work;
10805. My parents (especially my dad) are not good at communicating (simple) things (such as we’re going out to dinner or I have an appointment on Friday). . . . It’s probably where I get that from;
10806. (I’ve noticed that) I tend to tune out my parents especially if it’s a thank you or a compliment;
10807. Segregation was legal. Slavery was legal. Don’t use legality as a guide to morality;
10808. Cynar is made from artichokes. It tastes like bitters/Campari;
10809. The squid (in the fried calamari) at Galae Thai (GalaeThai.com) in Alexandria is so tender and not chewy at all. . . . And so is the duck (in the gang ped yang);
10810. Brad Meltzer isn’t as tall as I thought he was;
10811. Apparently, coconut water is (supposed to be) good for a cough;
10812. Feelings aren’t facts;
10813. Our feelings shift constantly throughout the day. Sometimes minute by minute. You’ll notice you feel so strongly about something and then an hour later you feel completely differently;
10814. You can have many feelings (usually conflicting) at once;
10815. Feelings come from deeper emotions( typically unconscious); they’re our interpretation of emotions. That interpretation is based on our past experiences then reinforced by thought patterns that create more emotional responses;
10816. Many of us struggle with emotional regulation. When we haven’t learned to regulate, feelings become overwhelming. We want to avoid, self-medicate or cope in ways that allow us to escape the sensations and the thoughts that come with intense feelings;
10817. Feelings are simply experiences of the mind and body. They come, shift and change. They’re temporary. When we become conscious, we can witness the feeling(s) while understanding we are not the feeling. The feeling is not a concrete fact. It’s a message;
10818. We can choose how we respond to that message rather than letting that message drive our choices and behaviors;
10819. Some people will judge you for changing. Others will celebrate you for growing;
10820. Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company and one of the best-known Americans of his day, held overtly anti-Semitic views and was not afraid to express them;
10821. The famed American aviator, Charles Lindbergh, was a pro-German white supremacist, who embraced the Nazi’s anti-Semitism;
10822. Plantation iced tea is (sweet, black) tea and pineapple juice;
10823. Porn isn’t real sex. The news isn’t real facts. Red Bull isn’t real energy. Alcohol isn’t real courage. Video games aren’t real life. Gambling isn’t real investing. Caffeine isn’t real adrenaline. Social media isn’t really social. Degrees aren’t real knowledge;
10824. Social media never shows the whole picture. Perfection is an illusion;
10825. On Tuesdays, Virginia’s Darling (MaesMarketAndCafe.com/virginiasdarling) in (Old Town) Alexandria serves double pours of already open (bottles of) wine until they’re finished/gone;
10826. Sake (flavored) Kit Kats do (actually) taste like sake;
10827. Ruthie’s All-Day (RuthiesAllDay.com) in Arlington has the biggest brunch (fried) chicken biscuit I’ve ever seen. It’s big enough to feed 2 people;
10828. The beef carpaccio at Mia’s Italian Kitchen (MiasItalian.com) in (Old Town) Alexandria is tasty;
10829. I can say that I’ve had wild boar. . . . It tastes like a cross between a pork chop and a (beef) steak;
10830. The molten lava cake (with vanilla ice cream, hot fudge & French Chantilly cream) at Bistro Sancerre (BistroSancerre.com) in (Old Town) Alexandria is tasty. It has good chocolate flavor and it’s not too sweet;
10831. It’s spelled “Sint” Maarten (i.e., the country/island) not “Saint” Maarten;
10832. When you don’t remember a person’s name: I remember meeting you, I’m X;
10833. (Vanilla) ice cream (topped) with (a little) eggnog is tasty;
10834. (All of the) restaurants/stores take USD in Sint Maarten;
10835. Oxtail reminds me of short ribs;
10836. It’s $2.00 USD to ride the bus in Sint Maarten. They’re independent drivers/owners licensed/regulated by the government. There isn’t a set schedule. You can wait for them at a bus stop (i.e., “bushalte”) or hail them when they drive by. They run until 8:00 PM or 9:00 PM depending on when they want to stop working;
10837. What do license plates mean in Sint Maarten: 1. B/BUS – bus; 2. M/P – private/passenger; 3. MF – motorcycle; 4. R – rental car; 5. T – tourist bus; 6. TAXI – taxi; and 7. V – truck;
10838. Sint Maarten is a (very) cash-heavy economy. . . . So bring a lot of cash/money;
10839. You can travel freely between the Dutch and French sides of Sint Maarten. They don’t stop you at the border;
10840. There are wild dogs in Sint Maarten;
10841. There are wild roosters in the French Quarter( of Sint Maarten);
10842. The French Quarter in Sint Maarten seems very poor;
10843. I can say I’ve had goat( curry);
10844. (Curried) goat reminds me of (beef) pot roast/brisket;
10845. There are no traffic lights or stop signs in Sint Maarten just/only roundabouts;
10846. There are very few speed limit signs in Sint Maarten;
10847. Some taxi drivers in Sint Maarten (specifically Kevin) think I look like Elon Musk (around the eyes) and (that I) talk like him( too);
10848. You can take a (20-minute) ferry from Sint Maarten to Anguilla;
10849. There’s also a ferry to St. Barts;
10850. Merchants take USD in Anguilla as well;
10802. Be careful not to let the noise of your mind overpower the whispers of your heart;
10803. Life is always happening in just one moment. That’s all you’re responsible for;
10804. You can’t lifehack wisdom. Do the work;
10805. My parents (especially my dad) are not good at communicating (simple) things (such as we’re going out to dinner or I have an appointment on Friday). . . . It’s probably where I get that from;
10806. (I’ve noticed that) I tend to tune out my parents especially if it’s a thank you or a compliment;
10807. Segregation was legal. Slavery was legal. Don’t use legality as a guide to morality;
10808. Cynar is made from artichokes. It tastes like bitters/Campari;
10809. The squid (in the fried calamari) at Galae Thai (GalaeThai.com) in Alexandria is so tender and not chewy at all. . . . And so is the duck (in the gang ped yang);
10810. Brad Meltzer isn’t as tall as I thought he was;
10811. Apparently, coconut water is (supposed to be) good for a cough;
10812. Feelings aren’t facts;
10813. Our feelings shift constantly throughout the day. Sometimes minute by minute. You’ll notice you feel so strongly about something and then an hour later you feel completely differently;
10814. You can have many feelings (usually conflicting) at once;
10815. Feelings come from deeper emotions( typically unconscious); they’re our interpretation of emotions. That interpretation is based on our past experiences then reinforced by thought patterns that create more emotional responses;
10816. Many of us struggle with emotional regulation. When we haven’t learned to regulate, feelings become overwhelming. We want to avoid, self-medicate or cope in ways that allow us to escape the sensations and the thoughts that come with intense feelings;
10817. Feelings are simply experiences of the mind and body. They come, shift and change. They’re temporary. When we become conscious, we can witness the feeling(s) while understanding we are not the feeling. The feeling is not a concrete fact. It’s a message;
10818. We can choose how we respond to that message rather than letting that message drive our choices and behaviors;
10819. Some people will judge you for changing. Others will celebrate you for growing;
10820. Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company and one of the best-known Americans of his day, held overtly anti-Semitic views and was not afraid to express them;
10821. The famed American aviator, Charles Lindbergh, was a pro-German white supremacist, who embraced the Nazi’s anti-Semitism;
10822. Plantation iced tea is (sweet, black) tea and pineapple juice;
10823. Porn isn’t real sex. The news isn’t real facts. Red Bull isn’t real energy. Alcohol isn’t real courage. Video games aren’t real life. Gambling isn’t real investing. Caffeine isn’t real adrenaline. Social media isn’t really social. Degrees aren’t real knowledge;
10824. Social media never shows the whole picture. Perfection is an illusion;
10825. On Tuesdays, Virginia’s Darling (MaesMarketAndCafe.com/virginiasdarling) in (Old Town) Alexandria serves double pours of already open (bottles of) wine until they’re finished/gone;
10826. Sake (flavored) Kit Kats do (actually) taste like sake;
10827. Ruthie’s All-Day (RuthiesAllDay.com) in Arlington has the biggest brunch (fried) chicken biscuit I’ve ever seen. It’s big enough to feed 2 people;
10828. The beef carpaccio at Mia’s Italian Kitchen (MiasItalian.com) in (Old Town) Alexandria is tasty;
10829. I can say that I’ve had wild boar. . . . It tastes like a cross between a pork chop and a (beef) steak;
10830. The molten lava cake (with vanilla ice cream, hot fudge & French Chantilly cream) at Bistro Sancerre (BistroSancerre.com) in (Old Town) Alexandria is tasty. It has good chocolate flavor and it’s not too sweet;
10831. It’s spelled “Sint” Maarten (i.e., the country/island) not “Saint” Maarten;
10832. When you don’t remember a person’s name: I remember meeting you, I’m X;
10833. (Vanilla) ice cream (topped) with (a little) eggnog is tasty;
10834. (All of the) restaurants/stores take USD in Sint Maarten;
10835. Oxtail reminds me of short ribs;
10836. It’s $2.00 USD to ride the bus in Sint Maarten. They’re independent drivers/owners licensed/regulated by the government. There isn’t a set schedule. You can wait for them at a bus stop (i.e., “bushalte”) or hail them when they drive by. They run until 8:00 PM or 9:00 PM depending on when they want to stop working;
10837. What do license plates mean in Sint Maarten: 1. B/BUS – bus; 2. M/P – private/passenger; 3. MF – motorcycle; 4. R – rental car; 5. T – tourist bus; 6. TAXI – taxi; and 7. V – truck;
10838. Sint Maarten is a (very) cash-heavy economy. . . . So bring a lot of cash/money;
10839. You can travel freely between the Dutch and French sides of Sint Maarten. They don’t stop you at the border;
10840. There are wild dogs in Sint Maarten;
10841. There are wild roosters in the French Quarter( of Sint Maarten);
10842. The French Quarter in Sint Maarten seems very poor;
10843. I can say I’ve had goat( curry);
10844. (Curried) goat reminds me of (beef) pot roast/brisket;
10845. There are no traffic lights or stop signs in Sint Maarten just/only roundabouts;
10846. There are very few speed limit signs in Sint Maarten;
10847. Some taxi drivers in Sint Maarten (specifically Kevin) think I look like Elon Musk (around the eyes) and (that I) talk like him( too);
10848. You can take a (20-minute) ferry from Sint Maarten to Anguilla;
10849. There’s also a ferry to St. Barts;
10850. Merchants take USD in Anguilla as well;