Monday, October 28, 2024

What I've learned since moving to D.C. (some of which should be obvious): 0234

11651.  While you are the hero in your movie, you’re just a background character in everyone else’s.  This realization can be incredibly freeing.  If you’re worried about what others think of you, remember, they probably don’t notice you as much as you think.  And if they do, they’ll soon forget.  So why stress?

11652.  The truth is, most people are too busy with their own lives to worry about you.  Think about it, do you spend your days thinking about everyone you’ve ever interacted with?  No.  They don’t either.  Even significant figures like Betty White or the Queen of England don’t occupy our thoughts daily, despite their massive achievements;

11653.  The Reality of Self-Importance: What if you were to die?  How long would people remember you?  The reality is not very long.  We all move on quickly, caught up in our own lives.  This realization isn’t meant to be depressing; it’s meant to be liberating.  When you understand that you’re not the center of everyone else’s universe, it frees you from external validation;

11654.  In today’s fast-paced world, attention spans are shrinking.  Social media has us scrolling past even 15-second videos.  This lack of focus affects our ability to engage in meaningful, nuanced conversations, which are crucial for personal and societal growth.  But there’s a silver lining; understanding that the world isn’t constantly watching you can help alleviate anxiety;

11655.  Embrace Your Authentic Self: Living authentically means putting your well-being first.  Why sacrifice your happiness for the approval of others who don’t truly know you?  You are the expert on yourself.  No one else can understand your life, your feelings or your experiences as you do.  Their opinions are based on their own projections and blind spots;

11656.  If a random person judged you harshly, it shouldn’t affect you any more than a child running up to you and saying, “You suck,” before running off.  Their opinion holds no weight because they don’t truly know you;

11657.  Stop Living in Reaction: Imagine living your life not to prove others wrong or to gain their approval, but for yourself.  Picture yourself on your deathbed, reflecting on your life.  What will matter then?  Not what others thought of you, but whether you stayed true to yourself and lived fully.  The biggest regrets people have at the end of their lives are not taking risks, not doing what they loved and caring too much about others’ opinions.  So why wait?  Why put off living the life you want for some mythical “someday?”  That day may never come.  You could die tomorrow.  Embrace the urgency of life and start living authentically now;

11658.  Take Action Today: Stop saying “someday” or “one day.”  These are the vocabularies of procrastination.  You don’t have forever.  Your time is finite and you should make the most of it.  Don’t wait for more time to pass.  Start today.  Reflect on your life.  Are you living authentically?  Are you putting your happiness and well-being first?  If not, what can you change today to start moving in that direction?  Remember, you are the hero of your story.  Live like it;

11659.  We’re always being guided; we just need to pay attention to it.  We can ask, then we listen and then we must pay attention to the guidance we receive;

11660.  It’s one thing to ask for guidance, but it’s entirely another to listen to the guidance you receive.  Sometimes what’s given isn’t what we wanted or expected, but it’s guidance nonetheless;

11661.  We often think that the world outside of us is the enemy, the force that holds us back.  But the reality is that the biggest barrier is usually internal.  It’s the way we treat ourselves, the way we talk to ourselves and the way we hold on to past versions of ourselves that we haven’t forgiven.  Take a moment to think about that younger version of you, the one you might still be angry with or ashamed of.  Maybe it’s the version of you that made some decisions you regret or the one that didn’t know any better.  Have you ever really forgiven that version of yourself?  Have you ever told them it’s okay, that you love them anyway?

11662.  Self-love isn’t about pretending to be perfect.  It’s about acknowledging where you are, where you’ve been and accepting all of it.  Even the parts you’re not proud of . . . especially those parts;

11663.  Find a picture of your younger self, the one you’ve been hard on and put it somewhere you’ll see every day.  Look at it and say, “I love you.”  Notice what comes up.  Is there resistance?  Breathe into it.  Let it go.  Start treating yourself like you would treat a child who’s learning and growing.  Would you yell at them for making mistakes or would you encourage them, love them and help them do better next time?

11664.  As you move forward, remember that your goals are important, but they don’t define your worth.  You are not incomplete without them.  True fulfillment isn’t found in the future, it’s right here, right now.

11665.  H&M ( will recycle your old clothes (except for underwear) and linens.  Just drop them off in the bin(s) by the cash registers.  They’ll even give you a 15% off coupon on your next purchase;

11666.  Atlas Brew Works (Alexandria) ( has a great Happy Hour deal; $10.00 for 2 slices of pizza and a pint of certain select beers and $5.00 pints for the same select beers Monday through Friday from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM;

11667.  Psychologist Carl Jung: “The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely;”

11668.  Failure is a part of life, an essential part of personal growth.  By fearing it, you are denying yourself the opportunity to learn and grow;

11669.  The only person you need to be good enough for is yourself.  And you already are;

11670.  Psychologist Carl Rogers: “The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn from his/her experiences;”

11671.  Instead of seeing your past as a burden, see it as a valuable source of wisdom and growth;

11672.  If you’re carrying around past regrets or mistakes, remember this: The past is a place of reference not residence.  Learn from it then let it go.  The present is where your focus should be;

11673.  Planning for the future is important, but obsessing over every single detail is a recipe for stress and anxiety;

11674.  No amount of worry can change the future.  All it does is steal the joy of the present;

11675.  Eckhart Tolle: “Worry pretends to be necessary but serves no useful purpose;

11676.  Whenever you find yourself worrying about the future, take a deep breath and bring your attention back to the present moment.  What can you see, hear and feel right now?  Ground yourself in the present and let the future unfold as it will;

11677.  The Lemonade Stand Lesson (Earning): It’s not about how hard you squeeze the lemons, but how well you pick your spot and price your product.  In adult terms, focus on leveraging your unique skills in the right market not just working harder;

11678.  The Piggy Bank Principle (Saving): Before you could spend, you had to save.  As adults, we often forget this chasing returns before building a solid foundation.  Are you taking care of the basics first?

11679.  The Allowance Allocation (Spending): Remember weighing whether to buy that toy or save for something bigger?  That’s the essence of budgeting – understanding needs versus wants.  How often do you pause before purchases now?

11680.  The Birthday Gift Revelation (Giving): Remember the joy of giving a gift you bought with your own money?  When you’re financially secure, giving becomes a source of joy and impact.  Have you experienced this lately?

11681.  Feelings of anxiety in me tend to manifest around my stomach.  Emotional eating makes sense if the anxiety is being misinterpreted as hunger;

11682.  The Abundance Mindset: When you view wealth as a pie to be divided, you limit yourself.  But when you see it as an ever-expanding resource, suddenly collaboration becomes your greatest asset;

11683.  The Network Effect: Your network is your net worth.  Each connection is a potential opportunity, insight or resource.  Are you nurturing these relationships?

11684.  The Synergy Principle: 1+1 can equal 3 when you collaborate.  Your skills combined with someone else’s can create value greater than the sum of its parts;

11685.  The Innovation Advantage: Collaboration breeds innovation.  And in today’s world, innovative thinking is a direct path to financial success;

11686.  Perfection is a myth.  No one is perfect and pretending to be only creates a prison of paranoia where you’re constantly afraid of being found out;

11687.  Only you get to decide who you are and how you feel.  So the next time you feel anxiety creeping in, take a step back and imagine you’re watching yourself on TV.  Laugh a little.  Embrace the absurdity of it all.  And, most importantly, keep reminding yourself that you’re the only one who gets to decide if this is a big deal or just another funny moment in the story of your life;

11688.  When we constantly look at others, wishing we had what they have, it’s often a sign that we’re not clear on who we are, what we value and what our personal win in life looks like.  The foundation of a strong identity lies in knowing exactly what you want and aligning your life around it;

11689.  Identify Your Core Values: Take a moment to list out what’s most important to you right now.  Is it money, health, relationships or something else?  Prioritize these values; if you could only achieve one, which would it be?  Then list them in order;

11690.  Audit Your Day-to-Day Life: Look at how you spend your time and energy.  Are your actions aligned with your top values?  If not, it’s time to make some changes;

11691.  Focus and Prioritize: Trying to excel in every area of life at once is a surefire way to spread yourself too thin.  Pick one area to focus on, give it your all and then move on to the next once you’ve gained momentum;

11692.  Embrace the Power of “No”: As you grow, opportunities will come your way.  The key is to say no to the ones that don’t align with your values even if they seem great on the surface;

11693.  When you know what you want and you’re on your own path, FOMO and envy fade away.  You stop comparing yourself to others because you’re too busy living your life authentically and in alignment with what truly matters to you.  So, what’s your win?  How can you start aligning your life around it today?

11694.  The most toxic relationship pattern is chasing people you’re not meant to be with.  Many adults still approach relationships like they’re in high school, focusing on who will make them look good or impress their friends rather than thinking about who truly aligns with their values and goals;

11695.  Start by mapping out your ideal relationship.  Who is your ideal partner?  What are their values, interests and passions?  Instead of being a “people pleaser” or feeling desperate to be with just anyone, get clear on what you truly want and deserve.  Think of this as creating your own “ideal partner avatar.”  Just like in business where you define your ideal client, you should define your ideal partner.  Write down everything – age, occupation, interests, values – everything that matters to you.  Then, start putting yourself out there authentically, speaking and acting in alignment with this avatar.  This will naturally attract the right people and repel those who aren’t a good fit;

11696.  You don’t need to find someone perfect; look for the raw material;

11697.  Relationships are about growing together not finding someone who fits an ideal mold right from the start;

11698.  When you find someone, be your true self – insecurities, flaws and all;

11699.  Real relationships start when the honeymoon phase ends and you both begin to see and accept each other’s true selves;

11700.  The most important skill in any relationship is knowing how to argue and fight in a healthy way.  Read “Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High” (by Kerry Patterson et al.) and learn how to navigate disagreements.  It’s the key to building a strong, lasting relationship;