3101. Avery said I had a lot of potential;
3102. When you focus on problems, you’ll have more
problems. When you focus on
possibilities, you’ll have more opportunities;
3103. Your beliefs don’t make you a better person
your behavior does;
3104. Body fat (really) isn’t a very good source of
energy (at all). It could’ve been stored
there for years. So it’s not a fresh
energy source;
3105. (I think) I might’ve witnessed a first . . .
(I think I saw) a bicep vein popping out;
3106. An Alice Cooper concert is very
theatrical. It’ll probably be the only
concert you’ll see someone get his/her head cut off with a guillotine;
3107. Vince Neil looks old (and fat);
3108. A (beach) towel makes a decent (makeshift)
3109. Tommy Lee can play the drums upside down;
3110. Cayenne pepper and ginger increase your
metabolism and (your) core body temperature;
3111. (It sounds crazy, but) green peppers,
mushrooms, pineapple and jalapeño peppers (actually) make a (pretty) good pizza
combination. . . . Who knew?
3112. Mini sweet (bell) peppers may be my favorite
new (healthy) snack;
3113. You can have any life you want. You can persevere. Anything you want, you are entitled to
it. There are no limits on you if you
don’t put them on yourself;
3114. A(dding a) little peanut butter will give
your (quick, one-minute) oatmeal some flavor;
3115. What does it mean if you’re wearing a white
mask in Chinese opera? The answer is:
You’re (probably) the bad guy;
3116. The guban (i.e., a small, high-pitched drum
and wood clapper) used in Chinese opera is pretty annoying;
3117. It costs about 2,000 euros to get a driver’s
license in Germany;
3118. Leptin is a key signaling molecule that
controls the relationship between fat reserves, appetite and energy
3119. Decreased leptin signaling in the brain leads
not just to hunger, but also to increased metabolic efficiency;
3120. People who eat fish regularly tend to have
lower levels of the hormone leptin in their body. Since higher levels of leptin have often been
associated with a decreased rate of metabolism, fish has become an essential
food for anyone trying to lose fat;
3121. Most people get fat from eating too many
carbohydrates, eating carbohydrates alone and eating them late at night;
3122. What people should do is eat carbohydrates in
combination with complete proteins and good fats;
3123. Eating carbohydrates alone will lead to an
increase in blood glucose. This increase
in blood glucose causes an over release of insulin and then triggers a fat
storage response by the body. This
triggers the body’s hunger mechanism as well as its sugar craving mechanism;
3124. When carbohydrates are combined with proteins
and fats, glucose in the blood stream is buffered by the metabolites of the
consumed proteins and fats. This will
not lead to an over release of insulin and, thus, not fat storage, hunger or
sugar cravings;
3125. When you are sleep deprived, your body reacts
in different ways on a hormonal level, which can impede weight loss;
3126. During times of sleep deprivation, your body
is on high alert thinking that there is a danger (or else you would be
sleeping), so your metabolism slows down to conserve energy. Second, your appetite is higher (due to
elevated levels of cortisol) looking for food for more energy. Third, your food choice becomes effected in
that your body tends to crave high carbohydrate, high fat foods because they
help produce serotonin, which helps calm you down from this aroused state;
3127. To make size gains, you need at least one
gram of protein per pound of your body weight to support optimal growth;
3128. To get lean, you may increase your protein to
as many as 1.5 grams per pound of body weight;
3129. If you feel like you’re not recovering from
training or you’re losing muscle, up the protein (intake) fast;
3130. The best protein sources are eggs, chicken,
fish, lean beef, turkey, quinoa (for vegetarians) and protein powder;
3131. A three-ounce portion of lean meat or fish is
about the size and thickness of the palm of your hand and contains 20-25 grams
of protein, 5 grams of fat or fewer and 0 carbohydrates;
3132. Research, including a study at the University
of Washington School of Medicine, has found that exercise – particularly
strength training – increases insulin sensitivity in the muscles. So if you’ve just worked out, more of the
carbohydrates you eat afterward will be carried by insulin directly to your
muscles for replenishment. Incidentally,
this goes for protein too, which is why it’s helpful to consume a mixture of
protein and carbohydrates after training;
3133. According to John Meadows, C.S.S.N., a
nutrition coach and national-level bodybuilder, if someone is in fat-loss mode,
s/he should limit carbohydrates to pre-, intra- and post-workout meals, when
they’ll go to where you want them – that is, to muscle tissue;
3134. For muscle gain, Meadows prefers to add
carbohydrates (shakes included) to meals around training time first, before
adding them to other meals;
3135. Carbohydrate foods include potatoes, sweet
potatoes, rice, oats, fruits and vegetables;
3136. Fruits should be consumed in their whole-food
form and limited to two or three pieces daily (excess fructose, the sugar in
fruit, is stored as fat);
3137. Green vegetables can be eaten steadily
regardless of the goal;
3138. Eat one gram of carbohydrate per pound of
your body weight when dieting and two grams per pound when you want to put on
3139. A fist-size portion of cooked rice or
potatoes is about one cup and gives you 40-45 grams of carbs and negligible
protein and fat;
3140. Fat, particularly the much-maligned saturated
kind, helps in the creation of testosterone, which does everything from getting
you big and lean to keeping your “little friend” ready to say hello;
3141. Contrary to popular opinion, when dieting,
you don’t need to drop your fat intake much, if at all; fat loss comes fastest
when carbohydrate intake is reduced;
3142. Most of your fats should come by way of your
protein foods, but avocados, nuts, seeds and a small amount of oil like coconut
and olive oil can be included as well;
3143. Aim for 0.4 grams of fat per pound of your
body weight daily to start. One
tablespoon of any oil is about 15 grams of fat and one cup of almonds or
peanuts has 70 grams of fat. Two
tablespoons of nut butter is about the length of your thumb and contains 15-20
grams of fat;
3144. Research hasn’t yet clarified the optimal
amount of protein or carbohydrates you should eat around workouts for the
maximum benefit. But it is clear that
some is better than none and the presence of both is crucial;
3145. A 2006 study in the European Journal of
Applied Physiology gave male subjects one of the following to consume after
weight training: a 6 percent carbohydrate solution, six grams of amino acids
(components of protein), a combination of both or a placebo. Those drinking the carbohydrate and amino
acids shake experienced greater muscle gains than any of the other groups,
which the researchers presumed was because the concoction did the most to
reduce muscle protein breakdown after training;
3146. Meadows recommends taking in 25-50 grams of
protein, 25-35 grams of carbohydrates and 10 grams of fat before training. Afterward, consume another 20-40 grams of
protein and 40-80 grams of carbohydrates – you can begin chugging this shake
during the workout as well to limit muscle breakdown even further, though this
may not be necessary and could upset your stomach;
3147. It’s recommended to make shakes with whey
isolate or hydrolysate as the protein source and Vitargo or highly branched cyclic
dextrin for the carbohydrates;
3148. If powders and shakes aren’t in your budget,
you can go old-school and eat fruit pre- and post-workout. One or two pieces should provide enough
carbohydrates to halt muscle breakdown.
And a lean three-ounce slice of protein to accompany it is fine;
3149. I can do a pull-up (five actually);
3150. Thomas Jefferson is credited with bringing
the eggplant to the United States;
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