Monday, July 27, 2015

What I’ve learned since moving to D.C. (some of which should be obvious): 0074

3651.  Chynna Phillips looks great without even considering her age;
3652.  Megan loves strawberries . . . and (she) isn’t lactose intolerant;
3653.  On Wednesdays, 100 Montaditos ( in D.C. has its classic montaditos from 1-40 for $1.00 and French fries, regular draft beers and sodas for $2.00;
3654.  Our ability to enjoy life comes from how we choose to process life, rather than from externals.  Nothing outside of ourselves has the power to bestow happiness or fulfillment upon us.  What determines the quality of our life is our choice to be fulfilled or not, based upon how we think, how we view ourselves and our place in the universe;
3655.  Contemplate yourself surrounded by the circumstances you are seeking and they will appear;
3656.  When you see what you contemplate as if it’s already here, the universe will ultimately offer you experiences that match what you’re contemplating;
3657.  Repeat the following mantra to yourself for a minimum of five straight minutes each day: I contemplate myself surrounded by the conditions I wish to attract into my life.  Say it quickly and repeatedly.  The repetition will help you begin to imagine the right people or circumstances, the necessary funding or whatever it is you desire;
3658.  Zikrayet Lebanese Restaurant & Lounge ( in (Old Town) Alexandria is actually a pretty nice hookah bar;
3659.  Levant Restaurant & Lounge ( in Tysons Corner is a really nice hookah bar;
3660.  The red in the American flag stands for hardiness and valor, the white for purity and innocence, and the blue for vigilance, perseverance and justice.  The original American flag had 13 stars and 13 stripes to represent the original 13 colonies; today the official flag, which was ordered by President Eisenhower and adopted in July of 1960, has 50 stars for the 50 states and 13 stripes;
3661.  Motivation is what gets you started.  Habit is what keeps you going;
3662.  According to Stephanie (i.e., “Skyler”), I’m “trouble;”
3663.  “Becca” said I smelled good;
3664.  Kaitlan said I was adorable;
3665.  When (you’re) tubing, watch out for the (jagged) riverbed rocks;
3666.  A Moscow mule (i.e., vodka, ginger beer & lime juice) with simple syrup and crushed mint is really tasty;
3667.  Having two to three orgasms a week will help you live longer.  Why?  Sex reduces stress, boosts the body’s immune system, allows you to connect with another person and can even control one’s appetite;
3668.  Sipping a cup of coffee decreases your risk of many chronic diseases like Alzheimer’s, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.  The key here is not to drink too much.  Overdosing on caffeine can trigger insomnia and anxiety;
3669.  In a study performed by the Annals of Internal Medicine, the adults with the highest blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish like salmon, trout and tuna) lived more than two years longer than those with lower blood levels;
3670.  When you’re fueling up at the gas station, don’t be confused about which side of the car has the gas tank ever again.  Look at the gas indicator on your dashboard and you’ll see a small arrow beside it; the arrow points to the side of your car where the tank is;
3671.  If you think you’re about to cry, rub your tongue against the roof of your mouth.  The activity disorients your brain and prevents you from tearing up;
3672.  Eat the healthiest foods on your plate first.  Especially if your portions are large, the healthy foods may fill you up and you’ll eat less of the unhealthy stuff;
3673.  The best and worst booze to drink if you want to lose weight: The best: 1.  Wine; 2.  Vermouth; 3.  Straight liquors; and 4.  Light beers; The worst: 1.  Sugar-packed cocktails; and 2.  High-alcohol craft beers;
3674.  Five foods that are adding years to your face: 1.  Sugar (i.e., excess sugars can undergo a process called glycation, in which they collide with proteins or fats to form damaged proteins, aptly called AGEs (“Advanced Glycation End Products”) throughout your body.  Not only do these proteins function poorly, but they are less elastic than nature intended.  Plus, glycation produces inflammatory proteins in the body, which can lead to accelerated skin aging); 2.  Charbroiled burgers (i.e., foods that have been heated at high temperatures have also gone through the process of glycation.  What’s more, direct exposure to temperatures above 300 degrees can trigger the production of pro-inflammatory heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)); 3.  Fried foods (i.e., fried foods’ trans fats set off inflammatory pathways in the body, leading to the breakdown of collagen, your skin’s main structural protein); 4.  Alcohol (i.e., boozy beverages affect the function of your body’s No. 1 detoxifying organ: your liver.  When the liver is damaged or slowed in its ability to function well and flush toxins from your system, you just might see the effects on your skin.  What’s more, alcohol consumption can prevent you from entering into the deepest, most restorative stages of sleep.  And when you’re skimping on sleep, your skin is missing out on important repair time); and 5. Packaged foods (i.e., in countries that consume little to no processed foods, people have remarkably healthier skin than in countries that eat from boxes and jars.  While nitrates may spur inflammation, salt dries the skin and can damage its capillaries.  The result: Everything from age spots to acne to rosacea);
3675.  Five foods that’ll make you look younger: 1.  Sweet potatoes (i.e., beta-carotene, which makes these tubers orange, balances your skin’s pH, helps combat dryness and promotes cell turnover, all resulting in smoother skin); 2.  Wild salmon (i.e., the pigment that makes the fish pink, astaxanthin, is a powerful foe of free radicals, rogue molecules that damage cell membranes and DNA and cause skin to age.  A study found that eating one serving every five days can prevent actinic keratosis – ugly rough patches that are precancerous); 3.  Tomatoes (i.e., the fruit’s red pigment, lycopene, is a potent antioxidant that shields skin from sun damage – like sunscreen, but from the inside out.  To best absorb lycopene, eat tomatoes with olive oil); 4.  Citrus fruits (i.e., vitamin C is essential to building collagen, a vital component of young-looking skin, which starts breaking down in your twenties.  Citrus also contains bioflavonoids, which protect skin from UV rays and help prevent cell death); and 5.  Leafy greens (i.e., spinach, kale and other greens contain lutein, which protects skin from sun-induced inflammation and wrinkles);
3676.  Nothing says “classy” like heading down to the (Old Town) Alexandria waterfront on the King Street Trolley with a hip flask in your back pocket;
3677.  Nowadays, I can’t eat a (single) cupcake or a doughnut without getting a sugar headache/rush;
3678.  Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again;
3679.  Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.  The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear;
3680.  A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination;
3681.  The greatest glory in living lies not in ever falling, but in rising every time we fall;
3682.  It always seems impossible until it’s done;
3683.  According to the Book of Mormon, Jesus (Christ) visited the Americas after his resurrection;
3684.  Apparently, you can have maggots in your scrotum;
3685.  “Hasa diga eebowai!” (i.e., Fuck you, god!);
3686.  “The Book of Mormon” is like a long, rated R episode of “South Park;”
3687.  It’s funny how some things can be so politically incorrect, yet fly under the radar, while others are (totally) lambasted by the media;
3688.  Tia is 5’10;”
3689.  It’s better to have a few things you really love than tons of stuff you don’t care about;
3690.  Sometimes people are just jerks, but sometimes they’re being jerks because you’re accidentally pushing their buttons.  The point is to take a moment, think about why someone is reacting to you in an extreme or aggressive way, and take responsibility for your role in it.  Yes, there will be times when you truly didn’t do anything, but those moments are rare;
3691.  Comparison is the death of happiness.  When your friends are having life experiences that you’re not – whether it’s hitting career goals, getting married or buying their first place – it can be hard to step outside the situation and just be happy for them.  But one thing is for certain: Measuring your life against someone else’s is a recipe for disaster.  And let’s be real: You never really know what someone else’s life is like.  There are plenty of people in unhappy marriages and loads of people who are successful at work, but don’t love what they do.  Simply put, the grass is always greener and appearances can be deceiving, so just focus on living your best life instead of focusing on what everyone else is doing;
3692.  You’ll always be happy in your dream job, but the truth is that even the greatest gig on the planet has its ups and downs.  Some days your job will drive you nuts and that is okay.  That doesn’t mean you don’t have a good thing going.  Furthermore, every great job should challenge you in some way.  If you’re not feeling challenged – by people, your workload, a project, what have you – you’re not growing.  You’re not learning;
3693.  There’s only one right path for each of us.  The truth is that we all have countless skills – and the ability to learn more – and there are an unlimited number of jobs and career paths that we can thrive in.  You’re selling yourself short if you think you’re only good for one role;
3694.  When your dreams are too specific, they can crush you because your chances of achieving them are so slim.  Sure, shoot for the stars, but don’t put all of your eggs in one tiny basket because life rarely works out the way you plan it;
3695.  Dreams are adjustable.  Yours are always going to be affected by what you’ve achieved.  You don’t have to settle for complacency and you certainly don’t have to stick to the plan.  There’s always another career goal you can set – or you can calibrate and focus your time and mind on personal or other pursuits;
3696.  If you’re in pursuit of happiness, then working toward a high-salaried job isn’t necessarily the best strategy.  A recent study conducted by Princeton economist Angus Deaton and famed psychologist Daniel Kahneman found that making more than $75,000.00 per year has no measurable impact on your contentment.  But do you know what does?  Experiences.  Another study out of Cornell University found that experiences deliver more long-term happiness and contentment than material possessions.  According to science, making less (but enough to cover our basic needs), in a position that allows us to pursue our passions and spend more time with people we love, could be a key to contentment;
3697.  The Echostage bus sucks;
3698.  Apparently, on weekdays, the Echostage bus doesn’t run until the venue opens;
3699.  Donald Cumming’s voice (to me) sounds like a mix between Bob Dylan and Tom Petty;
3700.  Brandon Flowers (the lead singer of “The Killers”) watches “Lost.” . . . He’s (only) on season 3;

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