Monday, October 22, 2018

What I've learned since moving to D.C. (some of which should be obvious): 0141

7001.  You’re not truly in Toronto until you hear Drake;
7002.  They do play a lot of Drake in Toronto;
7003.  Pizza Pizza ( reminds me a little of Pizza Hut (. . . , but not as greasy);
7004.  I can say I’ve been (out) clubbing with (Toronto) Barbie;
7005.  I can also say I’ve been to a Korean spa/sauna with (Toronto) Barbie;
7006.  It’s a washroom not a restroom/bathroom in Canada;
7007.  Canadian Thanksgiving is on Columbus Day;
7008.  The time it takes your assumption to become fact, your desire to be fulfilled, is directly proportionate to the naturalness of your feeling of already being what you want to be, of already having what you desire;
7009.  The fact that it does not feel natural to you to be what you imagine yourself to be is the secret of your failure.  Regardless of your desire, regardless of how faithfully and intelligently you follow the law, if you do not feel natural about what you want to be, you will not be it;
7010.  The essential feeling of naturalness can be achieved by persistently filling your consciousness with imagination, imagining yourself being what you want to be or having what you desire;
7011.  The time it takes your assumption to become reality is proportionate to the naturalness of being it;
7012.  It’s actually rare to desire what simply feels unnatural.  If being healthy, prosperous, happy, successful, strong, intelligent and so on feel unnatural then naturalness may be achieved by persistently using your imagination and your subjective attention to make this feeling stick;
7013.  Whatever it is that you want to manifest for yourself, do not be afraid to place it into your imagination, assume the feeling of that wish fulfilled and, by all means, make it feel as natural as possible;
7014.  Move your highest dreams to a rightful natural place in your imagination and then do as Ralph Waldo Emerson advised, “Build, therefore, your own world.  As fast as you conform your life to the pure idea in your mind, that will unfold its great proportions;”
7015.  You are never given the power to dream without the equivalent power to manifest that dream and make it your physical reality;
7016.  When you place an intention in your imagination, do not allow a question mark at the end of your pronouncement.  See your statement ending in a grammatical exclamation point.  “I bring this into my reality!” is easy to say if you’re already living from that declaration in your imagination and have assumed the feeling in your body of that wish being fulfilled;
7017.  The more attention you give your body, the more it is the master and the more it will demand and keep demanding from you;
7018.  You can positively produce whatever you want in your body if you will fix your attention upon the perfection of it, but do not let your attention rest on its imperfections;
7019.  Ego is edging God out;
7020.  You never draw out of the deep of yourself that which you want; you always draw that which you are and you are that which you feel yourself to be as well as that which you feel is true of others;
7021.  Be appreciative of what you already have;
7022.  Whenever you are thinking about yourself, fear will take over.  Whenever you are thinking about others and helping, your heart will take over.  (And) when your heart takes over you don’t have to worry about enthusiasm and feeling good.  It’ll come naturally;
7023.  Strive for progress not perfection;
7024.  It’s not what we have in life, but who we have in our life that matters;
7025.  When in doubt, let kindness and compassion guide you.  And don’t be afraid to fail;
7026.  (Dr.) Lonnie Johnson invented the “Super Soaker” and the “Nerf N-Strike” toys;
7027.  Comparing yourself to others doesn’t help you improve yourself or make your life better in any way.  It just fills you with negative feelings and steals time and energy from you that you could have devoted to something far more useful and productive;
7028.  Comparison is the thief of joy;
7029.  Comparison is the fast track to misery;
7030.  Comparing yourself to others: 1.  Focus on your own inner needs first; 2.  Focus on what you do have (i.e., Law of Replacement); and 3.  Remember that social media never tells the whole story;
7031.  Nothing in your life will change for the better until you do;
7032.  ParkMobile charges a ($.45) transaction fee . . . annoying;
7033.  (The) girlfriend’s (old) room at her parents’ house . . . check;
7034.  (Weight) lifting gloves make decent construction/work gloves;
7035.  I can say (that) I’ve dug (fence) postholes;
7036.  When you’re digging postholes, leave the (excavated) dirt close by . . . you’re going to use it for backfill;
7037.  I can say (that) I’ve poured concrete;
7038.  I can say (that) I’ve set fence posts;
7039.  (The) girlfriend’s (old, squeaky) bed at her parents’ house . . . check;
7040.  Apparently, there’s no need to stiffen your lower back/waist when you’re on the floor;
7041.  I can say (that) I’ve helped plane wood;
7042.  I can say (that) I’ve helped mill wood;
7043.  I can add to the résumé carpenter’s apprentice/assistant;
7044.  Elizabeth likes bread pudding;
7045.  On October 16th, 2018, I found out maybe I’m not going to be a dad/father (. . . and I cried);
7046.  Apparently, a woman’s chance for (a) miscarriage is 33% at 40 (years-old);
7047.  (I think) I don’t want to be a father/dad because I had such a miserable childhood and I don’t want someone else to go through the same thing. . . . It’s also a big (and long-lasting) responsibility. . . . (I think) I’m also afraid that I’d be a bad father/dad.  I didn’t (exactly) have the best role model and neither did my father/dad;
7048.  Debbi Morgan (the actress) lives in Prince George’s County, Maryland;
7049.  Roasted kale is so good;
7050.  Roasted beets, kale and apples are a good combination;

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