7252. You are
not responsible for what’s happened to you, but you are responsible for what
you’re going to do;
7253. You can’t
control the outcome of your actions, but you do get to control your actions;
7254. Every
failure contains a treasure trove of valuable lessons if you just take the time
to look for them;
7255. Failed to
achieve your previous year’s goals: 1.
Forgive yourself for not achieving the goals you didn’t accomplish;
2. “Should” goals v. “Must” goals;
3. Make a 100% commitment to the goal;
4. Implement a daily, weekly and monthly
planning system; 5. Implement a better
time management system; 6. Practice “The
Success Principles;” and 7. Remove all
unconscious limiting beliefs;
7256. Compound
interest is the eighth wonder of the world.
S/he who understands it, earns it.
S/he who doesn’t, pays it;
7257. Dividend
payments received from participating life insurance policies aren’t subject to
taxes by the Internal Revenue Service because the insurance companies generated
the gains off of their policyholders. In
essence, the dividend payments are treated as refunds for overpayment of the
7258. Leaving
what we know and facing the unknown can be a scary move. That’s why most people rather stay in their
misery for the rest of their lives and keep complaining instead of stepping up
and attacking their fears head-on;
7259. Winning
means being unafraid to lose;
7260. Winning
usually follows losing;
7261. For most
people, the reason they don’t win financially is because the pain of losing
money is far greater than the joy of being rich;
7262. Brian
Mitchell (formerly of the Washington Redskins, Philadelphia Eagles and New York
Giants) eats at (Joe) Theismann’s (Restaurant);
7263. I can say
I’ve been drunk with Brian Mitchell;
7264. Brian
Mitchell has a degree in chemical engineering;
7265. Life is a
unique combination of “want to” and “how to.”
We need to give equal attention to both;
7266. If you
want to write covered calls in the safest way possible, always make sure you’re
selling a contract with a strike price higher than the price you paid for the
shares. And also remember to factor in
all commission costs related to both the underlying investment as well as those
paid to open and close the options trade;
7267. You are
not your past. What’s happened to you
has happened to you. You can’t change
it. You can only change your perception
of it;
7268. (Fried)
kale on pizza works;
7269. How to
get out of your comfort zone: 1. Nobody
incentivizes you to step out of your comfort zone, incentivize yourself;
2. You can get ahead and rise above
mediocrity quite easily. The competition
is sleeping; 3. Take responsibility and
ownership of your life; and 4. Exercise:
10 negative/potentially positive results of stepping out of your comfort zone;
Apparently, the biggest difference between pastrami and corned beef is
that pastrami is smoked after it is cured while corned beef is not. . . .
Pastrami is typically cured with a dry rub and corned beef with a brine. . . .
Brisket seems to be the most common cut for both;
7271. You are
your greatest asset. Put your time,
effort and money into training, grooming and encouraging your greatest asset;
7272. Show me
somebody who has never failed and I’ll show you a failure;
7273. The way
you can expand your world is by taking small risks and learning from them;
7274. Our
choices are one of the few things in life we can totally control;
7275. Potbelly
(Sandwich Shop) (Potbelly.com) has an “underground” menu. . . . The Wrecking
Ball (i.e., a Wreck toasted with meatballs, marinara sauce & topped with
lettuce & tomato) is pretty tasty;
7276. If you
look for what’s wrong about the person you’re in a relationship with and store
that negative image in your mind then that’s where your relationship
exists. If you change your thoughts to
what you love rather than to what you label as wrong, you’ve just changed your
entire relationship. It went from lousy
to great by changing your mind;
7277. You carry
every relationship around with you in your head;
7278. We love
the things we love for what they are.
When you forget this and process other people on the basis of what you
think they should be, what they used to be or how they compare to what you are
then you’ve sent love away and, in your mind, the relationship has soured;
7279. You
experience everything and everyone in your thoughts. Change your thoughts and you change what you
carry around in your head as problems;
Apparently, there are opioids in milk. . . . It’s to encourage the
baby/offspring to eat more. . . . This could explain the addicting nature of
dairy products such as cheese and ice cream;
7281. A dream
written down with a date becomes a goal.
A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed by action becomes reality;
7282. The
difference between profiteroles, éclairs and cream puffs is that profiteroles
are frozen and the others are not. They
may all be filled and topped the same way;
7283. WIN =
What’s Important Now?
7284. The
formula for failure is a few errors in judgment repeated every day;
7285. The
formula for success is a few acts of discipline repeated every day;
7286. Success
is the one thing you can’t pay for. You
buy it on an installment plan and make payments every day;
7287. (Quick,
one-minute) oatmeal made with chocolate, almond milk isn’t bad;
7288. You can
feel whatever you feel, but you can’t always do whatever you want to do;
7289. Most
people are afraid to try something new because they are afraid of
disappointment. They are afraid they
might make a mistake or be rejected;
7290. If you
want to be successful in life and not just get by, you need to be able to try
new things. And if you do that, be
prepared to be disappointed;
7291. Just like
inside every problem lies an opportunity, inside every disappointment lies a
(priceless) gem of wisdom. The key is
knowing how to deal with and learn from disappointment;
7292. The
reason there are few, self-made, successful people is because few people can
tolerate disappointment. Instead of
learning to face it, they spend their lives avoiding it;
7293. Just as
we learn from our mistakes, we gain character from our disappointments;
7294. Expect
disappointment. Only fools expect
everything to go their way. Expecting to
be disappointed does not mean being passive or a defeated loser. It is a way of mentally and emotionally
preparing yourself to be ready for surprises that you may not want. This allows you to be calm and dignified when
things don’t go your way, which in turn allows you to think better;
7295. Success
takes time and along the way there is much disappointment. You have to be ready and willing to keep
pushing and learning;
7296. One of
the most painful aspects about making mistakes or failing at something is not
what other people say about us, but how hard we are on ourselves. Most people make a mistake and beat
themselves up more than anyone else would;
7297. It’s hard
to learn anything new if you punish yourself all the time. So be kind to yourself;
7298. We all
make mistakes and face disappointments.
The difference lies in how we process them. This starts with facing the consequences of
our actions and telling the truth about why we failed;
7299. People,
who take risks, make mistakes and recover, often do better than people who
learned not to make mistakes and are afraid to take a risk;
7300. Being
independent, in the financial aspect of your life, comes when you finally feel
free to make mistakes and manage risk;
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