9951. According
to Jack Antonoff, the concert at The Anthem (in D.C.) on (Friday,) September
24, 2021 is the largest “Bleacher’s” concert ever played or scheduled;
9952. “Rollercoaster” was the first song Jack Antonoff wrote for “Bleachers;”
9953. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so;
9954. Relationships require more than just love. . . . It takes time, patience, loyalty, respect, communication, forgiveness and selflessness. . . . Maintaining a healthy relationship isn’t easy. It takes hard work. . . . To receive you must give, mutually, equally and not more than the other and vice versa. . . . Relationships are important. You need them to grow. You need these special, rare and beautiful interactions with people. . . . Love is so very important, but it also takes so much more than you think;
9955. A regular-sized hip flask holds 8 ounces so a little over 5 shots;
9956. Charlie (Dog) likes carrots;
9957. Don’t doubt your worth just because someone couldn’t see it;
9958. The habits that you develop now will determine the way you’ll feel about yourself in the future;
9959. Don’t force yourself to be happy or productive every day;
9960. You’re doing your best with what you’re given. Go easy on yourself;
9961. Move on and don’t let memories of past mistakes weigh you down for the rest of your life;
9962. Don’t wait to feel grateful and happy for your life;
9963. Apparently, fundraisers love/target donors who give annually (over many years) across multiple areas/categories;
9964. Ultimately, it’s you who has to live with the consequences not them. Choose what’s right for you;
9965. If you’re thinking about an ex, you’re usually not (actually) missing her/him, but you’re missing something you got from her/him (e.g., comfort, love, closeness, etc.);
9966. Other people’s reactions to you are usually not about you, it’s about what’s going on inside of them. If someone blows up on you, that’s more about the triggering going on inside of them and it really has nothing to do with you;
9967. Even successful people feel lost, sad and lonely at times. These are normal emotions that everyone feels no matter how good your life is . . . and it’s okay and normal to feel this way;
9968. Be gentler on yourself. . . . Pushing yourself to always be perfect and to live up to unrealistic standards is not a fun way to go through life. Having a little more compassion for your inner child and allowing yourself to make mistakes can do wonders for you;
9969. Bad things and good things can happen simultaneously in your life. Choose which one you want to focus on more;
9970. Agreeable, compassionate, empathic, conflict-averse people (all those traits group together) let people walk on them and they get bitter. They sacrifice themselves for others, sometimes excessively, and cannot comprehend why that is not reciprocated;
9971. Agreeable people are compliant and this robs them of their independence;
9972. Agreeable people will go along with whoever makes a suggestion instead of insisting, at least sometimes, on their own way. So they lose their way and become indecisive and too easily swayed;
9973. The Oedipal mother makes a pact with herself, her children and the devil himself. The deal is: “Above all never leave me. In return, I will do everything for you. As you age without maturing you will become worthless and bitter, but you will never have to take any responsibility and everything you do that’s wrong will always be someone else’s fault;”
9974. Your pain and your struggles are real, but you don’t have to succumb to them;
9975. You can find life rich and valuable without following society’s definition of success;
9976. If they’re healthy, women don’t want boys. They want men. They want someone to contend with; someone to grapple with. If they’re tough, they want someone tougher. If they’re smart, they want someone smarter. They desire someone who brings to the table something they can’t already provide;
9977. It’s hard for tough, smart and attractive women to find mates. There just aren’t that many men around who can outclass them enough to be considered desirable (who are higher, as one research publication put it, in “income, education, self-confidence, intelligence, dominance as social position”);
9978. Apparently, (some) congressman (specifically Doug Lamborn) have a(n official) scheduler (specifically Meghan Selip);
9979. (To me,) NEEDTOBREATHE’s music is (very) hopeful/joyful;
9980. What can be truly loved about a person is inseparable from their limitations;
9981. Being of any reasonable sort appears to require limitations;
9982. Being requires becoming as well as mere static existence and to become is to become something more or at least something different. That is only possible for something limited;
9983. What is an exercise in futility? The answer is: Trying to please everyone;
9984. Don’t let negativity be the only available response to things you are experiencing;
9985. Failure is more common than success. It isn’t personal though we still manage to take it that way. (The first step is to) stop taking failure personally;
9986. You should actively anticipate failure and prepare for it, so that when it (might) come, you’re ready. This is not to say you should be negative-minded;
9987. Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts;
9988. The way your parents spoke to you, treated you or dealt with their own emotions is a reflection of their own childhood trauma not a reflection of who you are;
9989. Awakening or becoming conscious will bring up lots of pain and unresolved trauma. As you heal, you’ll realize that you are a powerful alchemist able to turn your pain into wisdom;
9990. The desire to produce suffering for the sake of suffering is the very essence of evil;
9991. When existence reveals itself as existentially intolerable, thinking collapses in on itself. In such situations, in the depths, it’s noticing (i.e., feeling) not thinking that does the trick;
9992. You shouldn’t stop trying to make life better or let suffering just be, but there appear to be limits on the path to improvement beyond which we might not want to go lest we sacrifice our humanity itself;
9993. Apparently, I issued Google’s MapReduce patent;
9994. The fat from grass-fed beef (does) taste(s) different than (the) fat from corn-fed beef;
9995. Grass-fed beef does taste gamier than corn-fed beef;
9996. Apparently, you don’t need to cook grass-fed beef as long as corn-fed beef (because of the lower fat content);
9997. I just realized that Arlington National Cemetery is right next to the Pentagon( and only separated by George Washington Memorial Highway);
9998. I can say that I saw “1990nowhere” on their first tour;
9999. Opening for “Angels & Airwaves’” “Lifeforms Tour 2021” is the first time “Bad Sun” has played live/toured in 2 years;
10000. Tom DeLonge (the lead singer and guitarist for “Angels & Airwaves” and formerly of “Blink-182”) likes cheese;
9952. “Rollercoaster” was the first song Jack Antonoff wrote for “Bleachers;”
9953. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so;
9954. Relationships require more than just love. . . . It takes time, patience, loyalty, respect, communication, forgiveness and selflessness. . . . Maintaining a healthy relationship isn’t easy. It takes hard work. . . . To receive you must give, mutually, equally and not more than the other and vice versa. . . . Relationships are important. You need them to grow. You need these special, rare and beautiful interactions with people. . . . Love is so very important, but it also takes so much more than you think;
9955. A regular-sized hip flask holds 8 ounces so a little over 5 shots;
9956. Charlie (Dog) likes carrots;
9957. Don’t doubt your worth just because someone couldn’t see it;
9958. The habits that you develop now will determine the way you’ll feel about yourself in the future;
9959. Don’t force yourself to be happy or productive every day;
9960. You’re doing your best with what you’re given. Go easy on yourself;
9961. Move on and don’t let memories of past mistakes weigh you down for the rest of your life;
9962. Don’t wait to feel grateful and happy for your life;
9963. Apparently, fundraisers love/target donors who give annually (over many years) across multiple areas/categories;
9964. Ultimately, it’s you who has to live with the consequences not them. Choose what’s right for you;
9965. If you’re thinking about an ex, you’re usually not (actually) missing her/him, but you’re missing something you got from her/him (e.g., comfort, love, closeness, etc.);
9966. Other people’s reactions to you are usually not about you, it’s about what’s going on inside of them. If someone blows up on you, that’s more about the triggering going on inside of them and it really has nothing to do with you;
9967. Even successful people feel lost, sad and lonely at times. These are normal emotions that everyone feels no matter how good your life is . . . and it’s okay and normal to feel this way;
9968. Be gentler on yourself. . . . Pushing yourself to always be perfect and to live up to unrealistic standards is not a fun way to go through life. Having a little more compassion for your inner child and allowing yourself to make mistakes can do wonders for you;
9969. Bad things and good things can happen simultaneously in your life. Choose which one you want to focus on more;
9970. Agreeable, compassionate, empathic, conflict-averse people (all those traits group together) let people walk on them and they get bitter. They sacrifice themselves for others, sometimes excessively, and cannot comprehend why that is not reciprocated;
9971. Agreeable people are compliant and this robs them of their independence;
9972. Agreeable people will go along with whoever makes a suggestion instead of insisting, at least sometimes, on their own way. So they lose their way and become indecisive and too easily swayed;
9973. The Oedipal mother makes a pact with herself, her children and the devil himself. The deal is: “Above all never leave me. In return, I will do everything for you. As you age without maturing you will become worthless and bitter, but you will never have to take any responsibility and everything you do that’s wrong will always be someone else’s fault;”
9974. Your pain and your struggles are real, but you don’t have to succumb to them;
9975. You can find life rich and valuable without following society’s definition of success;
9976. If they’re healthy, women don’t want boys. They want men. They want someone to contend with; someone to grapple with. If they’re tough, they want someone tougher. If they’re smart, they want someone smarter. They desire someone who brings to the table something they can’t already provide;
9977. It’s hard for tough, smart and attractive women to find mates. There just aren’t that many men around who can outclass them enough to be considered desirable (who are higher, as one research publication put it, in “income, education, self-confidence, intelligence, dominance as social position”);
9978. Apparently, (some) congressman (specifically Doug Lamborn) have a(n official) scheduler (specifically Meghan Selip);
9979. (To me,) NEEDTOBREATHE’s music is (very) hopeful/joyful;
9980. What can be truly loved about a person is inseparable from their limitations;
9981. Being of any reasonable sort appears to require limitations;
9982. Being requires becoming as well as mere static existence and to become is to become something more or at least something different. That is only possible for something limited;
9983. What is an exercise in futility? The answer is: Trying to please everyone;
9984. Don’t let negativity be the only available response to things you are experiencing;
9985. Failure is more common than success. It isn’t personal though we still manage to take it that way. (The first step is to) stop taking failure personally;
9986. You should actively anticipate failure and prepare for it, so that when it (might) come, you’re ready. This is not to say you should be negative-minded;
9987. Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts;
9988. The way your parents spoke to you, treated you or dealt with their own emotions is a reflection of their own childhood trauma not a reflection of who you are;
9989. Awakening or becoming conscious will bring up lots of pain and unresolved trauma. As you heal, you’ll realize that you are a powerful alchemist able to turn your pain into wisdom;
9990. The desire to produce suffering for the sake of suffering is the very essence of evil;
9991. When existence reveals itself as existentially intolerable, thinking collapses in on itself. In such situations, in the depths, it’s noticing (i.e., feeling) not thinking that does the trick;
9992. You shouldn’t stop trying to make life better or let suffering just be, but there appear to be limits on the path to improvement beyond which we might not want to go lest we sacrifice our humanity itself;
9993. Apparently, I issued Google’s MapReduce patent;
9994. The fat from grass-fed beef (does) taste(s) different than (the) fat from corn-fed beef;
9995. Grass-fed beef does taste gamier than corn-fed beef;
9996. Apparently, you don’t need to cook grass-fed beef as long as corn-fed beef (because of the lower fat content);
9997. I just realized that Arlington National Cemetery is right next to the Pentagon( and only separated by George Washington Memorial Highway);
9998. I can say that I saw “1990nowhere” on their first tour;
9999. Opening for “Angels & Airwaves’” “Lifeforms Tour 2021” is the first time “Bad Sun” has played live/toured in 2 years;
10000. Tom DeLonge (the lead singer and guitarist for “Angels & Airwaves” and formerly of “Blink-182”) likes cheese;
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