5701. Depending
on the people you’re around, depending on the social hierarchy and the status
of all the people, you may want to be very quiet and just listen or you may
want to be very up-tempo and try and create energy. Match and follow those around you and find
the zone of “just right;”
5702. Thinking
that you can get people to communicate with you without going to them first is
like going to France and expecting everyone in France to speak English;
5703. If you
take five minutes before you meet someone to really think about what they
value, how they communicate and how you can serve them, everything will change
because you’re actually putting in thought and work into how you’re
communicating rather than thinking that because you can speak you’re somehow a
master communicator;
5704. When you
have a quick trigger for stress, you reduce the quality of your life and
everything in it;
5705. It
doesn’t matter how good things are going externally if your emotional home is
fragmented and stressed;
5706. Every single
emotion that you have in your life is a choice.
Once you’re aware of an emotion, you’re officially holding on to it;
5707. Once
you’re aware of an emotion, you are in complete control of your emotions at any
given moment of your day. You may not be
in control of how they trigger, but once you are feeling an emotion and you’re
aware of it. It is in your power to
5708. Meaning
and events only have the significance that you ascribe to them;
5709. Your
emotions are the quality of your life and if anyone in the world can affect
them in a negative way then you are not in control of your life and you are
going to live a stressful experience;
5710. You’re
not getting stressed because of what’s happening in the world, at a deeper
level, you’re getting stressed because you’re not in control. All you need to do is to take ownership of
your emotions and, in doing so, you can set yourself free;
5711. Without
leverage, you will remain stuck because you’re already leveraged in your
current position. You must have reasons,
whether you’re aware of them or not, to continue doing your current behavior or
it would have changed already. Until you
have a reason more powerful than what’s keeping you here, you’re going to stay
exactly where you are;
5712. There is
no change without action and action only comes from a reason to do it;
5713. Stop
focusing on the how. There is an
unlimited amount of how and a how that works for you may not work for someone
else. Instead, focus on the why;
5714. Leverage
gives you the permission you need to keep trying all the different “hows” with
everything you’ve got until you find a way through. Commitment is building a total and ruthless
focus on something that will allow you to plug the endless amount of answers
that you could use into your life and actually start the experiment to find
which one of them is going to work the most effective way;
5715. Mastering
leverage is about understanding that the human brain at all times is craving
pleasure and avoiding pain. Everything
that you do in your life is at some level avoiding pain and about seeking
5716. The
reason that you haven’t changed is that your brain thinks it’s more painful to
change than it is to stay where you are;
5717. Leverage
is finding a reason to create change in your life where staying where you are,
your current model of the world, your current reality and your current habits
are more painful than changing;
5718. A way to
create leverage is to show your mind the real consequences of your actions if
you fail to make a change;
5719. Anything
that you find important and care about you can tie to leverage to make change;
5720. When I’m
old and gray, what will I regret more?
Going after my dreams or settling for what I already have?
5721. The key
area for growth is recognizing that it doesn’t have to be certain. You don’t have to have the perfect
answer. It just has to be good enough;
5722. If you’re
scared of failure or the rejection you may encounter from trying something new,
acknowledge it. Get comfortable with
that fear. We’re all truly fearful of
failing at things that are important to us.
But you need to give yourself permission to feel that fear and go for
5723. If you
just feel the fear and run away then you’re never going to move forward;
5724. Most of
the time, it’s the expectations that we’ve set for ourselves that keep us
locked down on a specific way we think we should be living our lives. We’re afraid to make changes (that we know
deep down in our hearts that we need to change) because we are looking for
certainty that our changes will be the “right” ones;
5725. You’ll
never be sure about the outcomes of anything unless you actually take the
actions to try and experience it for yourself;
5726. The easiest
way to get you to do anything is to create some fear or pain for you to run
away from;
5727. Respect
is how to treat everyone not just those you want to impress;
5728. It is
easy to hate and it is difficult to love.
This is how the whole scheme of things works. All good things are difficult to achieve; and
bad things are very easy to get;
5729. It’s not
in chasing happiness that we find it, but by practicing gratitude and
compassion, which makes us feel deeply connected and fulfilled, which is what
really makes us happy;
5730. While
empathy is the ability to put yourself in another person’s shoes – to
understand their situation and share their feelings – compassion is the concern
and pity for their plight. It’s the
ability to feel their pain and to want to soothe it – just as you would want to
soothe that pain if it were your own;
5731. If we are
compassionate towards others, it can help us to have a greater appreciation and
gratitude for our own blessings in life.
For instance, when we empathize with someone who is sick, it helps us to
appreciate the great blessing of our own health. And if we have a strong sense of appreciation
and gratitude in our own life, it can, in turn, help us to have a greater capacity
for empathy and compassion towards others because a strong gratitude practice
puts us in a mental position of resiliency that can fortify our ability to
5732. Because
of the way the brain works, the quickest way to greater happiness is not by
chasing happiness itself. Instead, it’s
by cultivating and actively practicing gratitude and compassion in our lives;
5733. In
today’s world, there are many, who are willing to die for their religion, but
no one is willing to live according to their religion’s principles;
5734. It’s not
in constantly chasing the things that we think we want that leads to a sense of
“enoughness.” It is rather the practice
of gratitude for what we already have that makes our life feel full;
5735. It’s not
seeking love and acceptance from others that makes us feel valued (and
validated). Instead, it is instead
practicing empathy and compassion for others that makes us feel truly
Everything is temporary. Your
good times are temporary and your bad times are temporary. So when you’re up, enjoy it, bask in it and
be grateful for it. And when you’re
down, know you will get through it. Know
that it’s not the end and that it’s just a rough patch. Life is full of twists and turns, ups and
downs and surprises;
5737. It’s
about the journey not the destination.
There is a lesson in everything.
Recognizing the full worth of your hardships and your blunders is key to
appreciating the journey;
5738. More
often than not, we tend to worry about what’s to come or dwell on something
that’s already happened. While it’s
crucial to care and consider your future, be careful not to let it hinder your
present. Moments turn into
memories. Enjoy the moment while you
have it;
5739. Worrying
isn’t productive. Living in the past is
equally unproductive;
5740. Your work
is a considerably large aspect in your life that you dedicate yourself to. If you aren’t happy in your career, that
unhappiness will seep into other aspects of your life. And while nothing is perfect, it’s important
to work on yourself and position yourself to reach the goals and satisfactions
you desire;
5741. Invest in
yourself. This goes for your non-work
life too. What habits and hobbies do you
want to stop? Which ones do you want to
develop? It’s important to be conscious
of the type of people and activities you surround yourself with. Information is like nutrients to your brain,
be aware of what you are feeding yourself;
5742. Success
isn’t one triumphant moment. Success is
a series of moments (and choices) leading up to bigger moments;
5743. You are
the only person who can get in the way of living every day doing what you love;
5744. What’s
money? A man is a success if he gets up
in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do;
5745. The
happiest people tend to be the ones who’ve worked the most on themselves. Being happy takes a lot of work. It’s just as much work, if not more, to be
unhappy. So choose wisely;
5746. Being
happy means at some point you decided to take control of your life. It means you decided to not be a victim and
to put that energy back into yourself.
Sometimes it’s hard, but you have to pull yourself up and push yourself
5747. Your
lifetime is a series of developments and personal growth;
5748. One of
the worst things you can do for self-development is comparing yourself to other
people. It’s easy to get caught up in
jealousy and wanting what other people have.
Especially with the way we interact with social media. You have to remember that people tend to show
only the best parts of their lives on those platforms. It’s not fair to yourself when you see that
and think, “I want to do that” or “I want to look like that.” Not only does that distract you from being
appreciative of what you have in our own life, it doesn’t provide any
productive input to yourself. Most
often, your perception of someone’s life is a fallacy. And even if it isn’t, focus on yourself. It’s your journey and your path that you
should be concerned with;
5749. Being
happy takes practice. Whether it’s you
learning to let go of your ego or forming more self-loving habits, it takes
5750. You only
have one life, work as hard as you can to make it your best life;
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