6201. Every skill you acquire doubles your odds of
6202. Most people would choose entertainment and
distraction instead of learning and growing;
6203. Repetition can be boring or tedious, which is
why so few people ever master anything;
6204. For every day you read a book, millions of
others didn’t;
6205. For every morning you woke up early to create
and produce, millions of others slept in;
6206. For every day you kept going, millions of
others quit;
6207. Ordinary people seek entertainment. Extraordinary people seek education and
6208. Deep down, most people don’t think they have
what it takes to be extraordinary. It’s
a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you don’t
believe you can, you surely won’t;
6209. If you want to live an exceptional and
extraordinary life, you have to give up many of the things that are part of a
normal one;
6210. Forget about titles and impressing
others. Focus on becoming a person you
are incredibly proud to be;
6211. Your level of success will rarely exceed your
level of personal development because success is something you attract by the
person you become;
6212. Being jealous and resentful is like drinking
poison and expecting the other person to die;
6213. Choose what you want not what anyone else
6214. Alexander Graham Bell made his primary
residence in D.C. (because of his numerous court cases involving patent
6215. Most people doubt their beliefs and believe
their doubts. Do the opposite;
6216. Researchers are finding that the pursuit of
happiness falls short and real contentment and well-being comes from living a
life of meaning;
6217. Goals live in your discomfort zone. Projects live in your comfort zone. If it’s not a bit risky, if it doesn’t demand
your full engagement and breakthrough creativity then it’s not a goal. It’s a project;
6218. If you can find nothing intrinsically
motivating about a certain project, you should probably strike it from your
goals list and find a way to automate or delegate it;
6219. It’s not a true goal unless it has a
transformative effect on your life or business in some way. Projects are about maintenance or at best
incremental improvement. By contrast,
goals are about leapfrog innovation and dramatic improvements that require us
to step outside our day-to-day tasks;
6220. Projects are composed of daily tasks we do to
stay afloat. If the alternative to
treading water is drowning, I’m all for treading water! But goals are all about swimming to new and
desirable destinations;
6221. Just because something is important, doesn’t
mean you should make it a goal. If it
leaves you feeling drained or demotivated just thinking about it, you should
(definitely) not make it a goal.
Instead, you should look for a way to automate or delegate it;
6222. You want to dedicate as much of your energy
as you can to the tasks only you can do to move your work and life in a new and
better direction;
6223. Flexible boundaries don’t make us more
productive. They force us to negotiate
our priorities in the moment, which then invites us to make compromises. And those compromises kill our productivity;
6224. Everyone is fighting a battle you know
nothing about;
6225. The energy of abundance flows in a
circle. When we refuse to receive, we
block the flow of abundance into our lives.
When we refuse to give, we do the same;6226. If we can’t practice self-compassion then it’s going to be very hard for us to have compassion for others;
6227. Be thankful you are employed. This may sound trite, but gratitude is the antidote to frustration. You might not like your job, but being unemployed would likely be worse. Besides, research shows that gratitude reduces stress and makes us more resilient;
6228. Put your work in context. The concept of “job satisfaction” is relatively new. The truth is that work is hard. Even at its best, there are going to be difficult days. Frustrations, setbacks and even failure are part of life. Don’t be surprised; accept the bad with the good;
6229. Determine the source of your dissatisfaction. Is your problem the work itself? Or do you feel overwhelmed because you just have too many tasks in your drudgery or disinterest zones? Maybe you work for a difficult boss? Or perhaps you don’t like your commute or the working environment? It’s important to identify the source of your frustration, so you can work on a plan to change it;
6230. Fix what you can fix. Unless you simply enjoy being miserable, you need to put together an action plan to change things for the better. You might not be able to change everything, but you can, no doubt, improve some things. Maybe you can transfer to another department, reduce your workload, establish better boundaries or do something that will make a tangible difference;
6231. Use your job to polish your character. Traits like kindness, peace, joy and patience don’t just happen. They are forged in the crucible of difficult circumstances. Very little happens when everything is going your way. The important stuff happens when it’s not;
6232. Encourage a coworker. Sometimes it helps to get the focus off of yourself. It’s not all about you. If you’re discouraged, chances are someone else is too. Treat them as you want to be treated. Engage in a random act of kindness. Provide a listening ear. Remind them of what is ultimately true about them. You might just find yourself encouraged in the process;
6233. Winners are not afraid of losing, but losers are. Failure is part of the process of success. People who avoid failure also avoid success;
6234. I never see failure as failure, but only as a learning experience;
6235. What is the point of being alive if you don’t at least try to do something remarkable?
6236. Elizabeth likes anal;
6237. . . . check;
6238. (According to Christina,) I’m very tactile;
6239. When your environment is cluttered, the chaos restricts your ability to focus;
6240. Clutter limits your brain’s ability to process information. Clutter makes you distracted and unable to process information as well as you would in an uncluttered, organized and serene environment;
6241. If you’re looking for a good, late night place (to eat) by Dupont Circle, try Annie’s Paramount Steakhouse on 17th Street;
6242. About six hours after you wake up, your body’s circadian rhythm starts to dip and you’re likely to feel drowsy, especially if you’ve had a busy morning and lunch. A twenty-minute power nap at this point (say at 1:00 PM) is enough to give you a mental recharge without leaving you groggy: if you keep it short, you’ll wake up fairly alert and can quickly get back to work. If you stretch it out to an hour, the balance between your circadian rhythm and sleep pressure will produce a nap that balances R.E.M. and short-wave sleep;
6243. If you take a nap five hours after waking, the balance will be different: more R.E.M. sleep, and less slow-wave sleep. This kind of nap will deliver a little creative nudge: you’re likely to dream and more likely to enroll your subconscious in whatever you were recently working on;
6244. If you take a nap seven hours after waking, your body needs more rest and an hour-long nap will be richer in slow-wave sleep and more physically restorative than creatively stimulating;
6245. Compal, Quanta, Inventec, Asustek and Wistron (in Shenzhen, China) make 90% of all brand name laptops and notebook computers;
6246. Teens, who spend 5+ hours a day on their phones, are 51% more likely to suffer from sleep deprivation;
6247. Teens in 8th grade, who use social media excessively, are 27% more likely to be depressed;
6248. Teens who go “iPhone free” for five days at camp perform better on empathy tests;
6249. True productivity isn’t about getting more things done. It’s about getting the right things done;
6250. It’s easy to confuse abundance with blessing especially in our work life. But sometimes abundance is just another word for burden. And it’s crucial for our success and satisfaction that we learn to spot the difference;
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