Monday, August 19, 2019

What I've learned since moving to D.C. (some of which should be obvious): 0160

7951.  If you’re looking for a good, local steakhouse in (Las) Vegas, go to “Herbs & Rye” (;
7952.  When you’re in your head, feel/notice your toes for 15 seconds;
7953.  Don’t dance by yourself to get back into flow/state;
7954.  A bend in the road is not the end of the road unless you fail to make the turn;
7955.  You are enough;
7956.  You matter;
7957.  You deserve a happy and fulfilling life;
7958.  I don’t want to die without any scars;
7959.  Nicole (Hawkins) loves me (. . . as a friend);
7960.  Ashley (Estep) loves me (. . . as a friend);
7961.  Don’t let a(n) Lyft/Uber or taxi drop you off in front of the Spearmint Rhino (Gentlemen’s Club in Vegas).  Get them to drop you off around the corner.  If they drop you off in front, you’ll have to pay a ($50.00) cover (even if you have local identification);
7962.  At a strip club, the customers have more power than the dancers . . . as long as you don’t do anything inappropriate;
7963.  Apparently, strippers love to talk about astrology/horoscopes and spirituality;
7964.  Apparently, a lot of the cheap lobster, prime rib and steak places in (Las) Vegas are (downtown) on Fremont Street;
7965.  There are $5.00 blackjack tables at the Fremont Street Experience (in Downtown Las Vegas) (at least on Tuesday nights);
7966.  Now I understand why everyone raves about California.  The weather is great . . . by the beach that is (specifically Santa Monica/Venice Beach);
7967.  I can say (that) I’ve had a fish burrito in California;
7968.  When you change your dynamic with your family, it forces them to change because you’re different;
7969.  You can know something logically, but your (inner) child can still the emotion until it’s released;
7970.  Apparently, in Asian cultures, going to (any kind of) therapy is shameful;
7971.  If you think you’re going crazy, you’re not;
7972.  Spanking only teaches children to be afraid of their parents;
7973.  The way to discipline/teach children is by taking away things and short periods of isolation;
7974.  Parents communicate with (young) children through eye contact;
7975.  Most people pick partners who are like their moms or dads or (are) opposite of them;
7976.  As humans, we aren’t meant to be happy all of the time.  We should accept pain so we can be happier and experience joy;
7977.  If you’re too open or too closed, you’ll be ineffective in your relationships;
7978.  Most people get together to solve a problem (i.e., have a baby, get a better apartment, etc.);
7979.  You want to build a life where you don’t need another person to solve your problems.  Then, you actually have to like the people around you;
7980.  When you’re bored, you become uncomfortable so that you avoid any fear or pain that may come up/surface;
7981.  Initial attraction to someone is usually “child” to “child” where one tries to get what s/he didn’t get from her/his parents as a child;
7982.  People usually keep some darkness;
7983.  I can say (that) I’ve had a street burrito;
7984.  Contentment feels like low grade joy.  It’s not spiky, but “rounded” emotions;
7985.  Apathy is closed and indifferent, the opposite of feeling;
7986.  According to Brent (Charleton), I seem (a bit) sad and lonely;
7987.  (According to Brent Charleton,) I was (emotionally) neglected by my parents;
7988.  (According to Brent Charleton,) my brother never (emotionally) grew up;
7989.  Apparently, if you want to get deep sleep (and long-lasting, rock hard erections), take a ¼ scoop/serving of horse supplements (specifically “Full Bucket Equine,” “Medical Muscle”);
7990.  Everyone has a primary and a secondary role in their family;
7991.  You don’t choose the role, it chooses you;
7992.  You are not (actually) your role;
7993.  Sleeplessness is a normal response to anxiety.  You don’t need medication for it;
7994.  The youngest child tends to play the “lost child” role;
7995.  Children learn by watching (and emulating) their parents;
7996.  Your “teen” is for extreme survival;
7997.  Your (family) role is a coping mechanism;
7998.  You don’t actually have to be intelligent to play the “computer” role;
7999.  It’s not good for children to be socially precocious because they won’t know how to play with other children;
8000.  Drugs allow people to feel a consistent emotion v. being all over the place;

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