Monday, March 3, 2025

What I've learned since moving to D.C. (some of which should be obvious): 0238

11851.  Maybe wealth isn’t solely about more money, but more joy, more value, more fulfilment, more collaboration, more meaningful moments, more celebration of your life and those that support you.  The “mores” that matter;

11852.  Become more valuable.  Learn to delegate.  Hire those that truly enhance our lives.  We trade our money (energy) to access others energy (expertise) in order to free us up . . . so we can create the most value;

11853.  Not living your best life, not sharing how to do it with others, not being inspired and inspiring in the name of “playing it small and safe” is greedy.  The world loses your gifts;

11854.  Spending more than we make is a terrible choice leading to bankruptcy.  Yet by thinking life is something to reduce and money is something to “save” rather than earn and grow, we limit our potential and our production;

11855.  The hustle and grind would say save money by doing it yourself.  “If you want something done right, do it yourself” . . . and burn out.  And limit your best abilities.  And have less wealth;

11856.  Less wealth by doing what you hate.  Less wealth by limiting the depth of your relationships.  Less wealthy by draining energy by doing so much to save by having it be less convenient and losing time;

11857.  Those who buy into the budgeting mindset are willing to sacrifice life for growing a bank account;

11858.  By cutting back to build wealth, you can become the miserable millionaire.  Rich in your account, broke in life;

11859.  Wealth is how you live and enjoy your life.  And if money is the primary reason or excuse you do or don’t do something, you aren’t wealthy;

11860.  If your time isn’t your own, if you are doing things that you loathe, if you are obsessed with saving fiat money (that inflation decimates), if you wish the past were different or only focused on getting to a future date where your life will be better, you aren’t wealthy;

11861.  Money matters, but so do so many other things as well.  No money can lead to massive stress, debt, self-judgment, guilt, shame, embarrassment.  But no matter how much money you have, if you don’t have time to connect with people, cultivate relationships, be creative, have hobbies, have time for your health, fulfillment will be elusive;

11862.  What does wealth look like for you?  What matters most in your life?  What would you do if money were no longer a concern or worry, if you had an unlimited checking account?  What would you start doing?  How would your thinking change?  What would it take to create your richest life?  What can you do that matters most to you?  How could you experience a life that you love?  The key to wealth is within your answers to these questions.  Invest the time.  Only you get to decide.  If someone else chooses for you, you lose.  If you are unclear, you may be manipulated or have energy leaks.  This is the hard work worth doing.  The hard work that matters.  Not pushing through artificial deadlines or doing things you hate to make money.  But to know what you want, go for it and design a life you don’t want to retire from;

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