Monday, March 9, 2020

What I've learned since moving to D.C. (some of which should be obvious): 0173

8601.  (I just realized) Justin Bieber’s uncle-in-law is Jack Donaghy (i.e., Alec Baldwin in “30 Rock”) and his aunt-in-law is a (former) Bond girl (i.e., Kim Basinger as “Domino Petachi” in “Never Say Never Again”) . . . weird;
8602.  Faith is really good for stopping worry and anxiety;
8603.  Beliefs are subconscious and therefore below the level of conscious awareness.  So how will we know if there’s a problem in that area?  It usually shows up in the form of repeated frustrations.  A feeling like you’re trying and trying, but not making much progress.  When that happens, and it’s a pattern, then you know that you have some subconscious belief change work to do;
8604.  Ella Fitzgerald (the American jazz singer) was born in Newport News, Virginia;
8605.  Time is more than money; it’s the currency of life and it’s an irreplaceable resource.  When time is up, it’s gone;
8606.  We can increase many capacities, but there’s nothing we can do to expand, save or manage time.  Time is a fixed resource; the number of minutes in a day, days in a week and weeks in a year all tick away relentlessly in spite of our efforts to control it;
8607.  If we want to get more done, make a greater impact and truly lead a life of significance, we need to increase our energy capacity;
8608.  People who grow to their maximum potential don’t sit back and wait for things to happen; they go out and make things happen and that requires energy;
8609.  When you spend your time doing the things that you care about most, you will find yourself fully charged with energy.  What are the activities that make you say, “I was born to do this?”  That’s your gift zone.  Spend more time there;
8610.  A life of significance is not about having more money and more stuff.  It’s about spending time and creating experiences and memories with the people you care about most;
8611.  When we serve others by providing something that makes their day a little better, we enter what Ed Bastian calls the “virtuous circle.”  We not only draw energy from having done something good for someone else, we also get an energy boost from their response;
8612.  R(eckless)I(nvesting)S(ans)K(nowledge);
8613.  Between (the ages of) 25-40, the number one cause of death for men in the Western world is suicide. . . . After 40, it’s (coronary) heart disease;
8614.  If you constantly break your word to yourself, how can you trust yourself?
8615.  Every time you say you’ll do something, but you don’t you lose trust with yourself;
8616.  The “hero” goes into the darkness to find the light;
8617.  The biggest obstacles to your success is your own self-doubt and laziness;
8618.  It is your self-doubt and laziness that define and limit who you are;
8619.  There is no one in your way except you and your doubts;
8620.  Irrational tendencies typically lead to the types of mental constructs that often promote addiction, avoidance, compulsiveness, procrastination, anxiety, depression, shame, guilt, hurt, anger, self-pity or self-blame;
8621.  The idea that success is the only option as anything else will lead to a loss of social standing, love and affection from your support group and the other good things in your life;
8622.  If failure is seen as the worst possible outcome then, when you find yourself dealing with adversity, you will often find yourself more depressed and prone to greater frequency of anxiety or panic attacks than you may otherwise experience.  This often leads to an overall feeling of worthlessness that makes it difficult or even impossible to complete otherwise minor tasks;
8623.  Ben Franklin started the first mutual (fire) insurance company in the English colonies/future U.S.;
8624.  Top performers understand that getting distracted is human nature.  They accept it’s going to happen and they don’t beat themselves up when it does;
8625.  Indulge distraction then refocus twice as hard;
8626.  Productivity is not simply being busy.  Anyone can (be) and stay busy.  Being productive means moving the ball toward the goal line efficiently and effectively.  Being busy, on the other hand, can mean running around in circles and making no meaningful progress toward your goal;
8627.  Prioritize your work.  Time is a limited commodity and every choice has an opportunity cost.  Productivity hinges on setting priorities;
8628.  Don’t bite off more than you can chew.  Set proper expectations for yourself.  Don’t load up your schedule with a bunch of tasks especially if they’re not important.  Focus on one big ticket item each day;
8629.  Batch your tasks which simply means putting the same tasks together to reduce the transition time of your brain from switching between tasks.  For example, do send and answer all emails during a single block of time.  Make all your phone calls during another block of time;
8630.  Increasing productivity not only means more effectively getting things done, it means having more time for the things that matter most to you and having less stress and more happiness too;
8631.  Everything worthwhile is uphill. . . . Sadly, many people have uphill hopes and downhill habits;
8632.  Nothing that is good in life comes easy. . . . And very little that comes easy is good;
8633.  The (touring) pianist for “The Lumineers” (i.e., Stelth Ulvang) plays barefoot;
8634.  How do you know it’s not your day to hike?  The answer is: When the 4-wheel drive vehicle ahead of you slides on around on the road on the way to the trail;
8635.  Handjob in a cabin hot tub . . . check . . . fingering in a cabin hot tub . . . (double) check . . . sex in a cabin hot tub . . . (triple) check;
8636.  More is lost by indecision than wrong decision.  Indecision is the thief of opportunity.  It will steal you blind;
8637.  Apparently, seniors (seem to) like Cracker Barrel (Old Country Store);
8638.  Fried apples is just apple pie without the crust;
8639.  Your words have the power to both create and destroy.  The words we choose build our own reality and the reality of those around us.  Be thoughtful about what you say.  You have great power in your speech that can unleash a forceful fury that can create, tear down, build, heal or hurt;
8640.  Every time you open your mouth is an opportunity to stay true to yourself and what you value or an opportunity to stray from that path;
8641.  If you’re looking to feed a family of 4 for $5.00 or less a meal, (you might want to) try the recipes at “$5 Dinners” (
8642.  Chocolate chess pie tastes like a (fluffier, less dense) brownie;
8643.  Metered parking goes until 10:00 PM (Monday through Saturday) in D.C.;
8644.  Joey Genetti is (pretty) tall;
8645.  According to Lily Kershaw, the dressing rooms at the Pie Shop ( in D.C. are glamorous (not really);
8646.  Lily Kershaw is Sansa Stark’s (i.e., Sophie Turner) go-to sad music;
8647.  If you’re interested, you will do what is convenient; if you’re committed, you’ll do whatever it takes;
8648.  Anger can help you to either hide the pain that you are dealing with or it can be used to channel that feeling over to someone else.  It is pretty common that angry people will just lash out because it helps them to let off some steam;
8649.  When people experience something and they think that it is unpleasant, it will often invoke an angry response;
8650.  There are some people who may have gone through a bad experience in the past.  There are some people who are still going through those bad experiences today.  As a means of helping them to deal with these unpleasant times, they always resort to directing their anger towards another person;

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