Monday, February 8, 2021

What I've learned since moving to D.C. (some of which should be obvious): 0191

9501.  (Wayne) Gretzky led the league in assists in each of his first 13 seasons and 16 times overall (i.e., 80% of his seasons);
9502.  If you only counted (Wayne) Gretzky’s seasons after turning 30, he’d still rank 4th all-time in points per game;
9503.  (Wayne) Gretzky could’ve ended his career with a 1,370-game pointless streak and still would’ve been a point-per-game player (i.e., he could go more than 16 years without a point and still average a point per game in his career);
9504.  Don’t store your fresh carrots, mushrooms and potatoes in the freezer. . . . The freezing (and thawing) make(s) them mushy;
9505.  For every obstacle there is a solution.  Persistence is the key.  The greatest mistake is giving up;
9506.  Charlie (Dog) loves (the) snow (especially eating it);
9507.  Apparently, (raw) pineapple (in small amounts) is an excellent dog snack;
9508.  If you’ve ordered a dessert for carryout/takeout, check to see if there’s ice cream with it . . . so it isn’t all melted by the time you (actually) eat it;
9509.  Sam Calagione (the founder of Dogfish Head Craft Brewery) sounds like a hippie stoner (to me);
9510.  The honey chipotle (chicken) wings at Whole Foods (Market) are tasty;
9511.  The “Johnny Seafood” oven-ready, breaded shrimp are the closest to restaurant quality fried shrimp I’ve ever had/made at home;
9512.  Charlie (Dog) likes white chocolate;
9513.  Charlie (Dog) (really) likes beer (in particularly Dogfish Head’s 60 Minute IPA);
9514.  Greatness exists on the other side of pain and fear.  It exists on the other side of failure;
9515.  It’s okay to get beaten, but it’s not okay to beat yourself;
9516.  The way we act determines how we feel way more often than the way we feel determines how we act;
9517.  Do what you love is for amateurs.  Love what you do is the mantra for professionals;
9518.  Anxiety is experiencing failure in advance;
9519.  Reassurance is futile because you never have enough of it;
9520.  Forgiving does not mean condoning or making it okay that something happens.  It means that you are for giving up trying to change the past and that you are for giving up experiencing the pain of the memory over and over again;
9521.  All dates can change and so can you;
9522.  Most social stress is really anxiety about the future held in the body as tension;
9523.  Would you rather have a bad day doing something you love than a good day doing something you don’t love?
9524.  The jerk chicken sandwich at the Executive Diner ( in (Old Town) Alexandria is (pretty) tasty. . . . Their (French) fries are good too. . . . They have a nice flavor/seasoning;
9525.  Alaska was bought from Russia for about $.02/acre;
9526.  Don’t compare your actual self to a hypothetical self.  Don’t drown in a sea of “what if’s.”  Don’t clutter you mind by imagining other versions of you, in parallel universes, where you made different decisions;
9527.  The internet age encourages choice and comparison, but don’t do this to yourself.  Comparison is the thief of joy;
9528.  You are you.  The past is the past.  The only way to make a better life is from inside the present.  To focus on regret does nothing, but turn that very present into another thing you will wish you did differently;
9529.  Accept your own reality.  Be human enough not to dread the future.  Be human enough to be enough;
9530.  Accepting where you are in life makes it so much easier to be happy for other people without feeling terrible about yourself;
9531.  The Fuji apple salad with chicken at Panera Bread is tasty . . . and so is the toasted steak sandwich;
9532.  (Adding) basil on a sandwich is pretty good;
9533.  Everyone is playing the game of life according to an internal set of rules.  Just like a board game, those rules determine the game play and they determine whether the game is easy or hard, fun or frustrating;
9534.  For most people, their internal set of rules says things like: 1.  I have to work hard for my money; 2.  I have to do something to “deserve” success.  But what?  Often that is not clear; 3.  Money is easy come, easy go; 4.  More money, more problems; 5.  If I have more than I need that means I’m selfish or greedy; 6.  Money won’t make me happy; and 7.  In fact, money might even corrupt my soul;
9535.  A lot of people are playing the game of life by rules very similar to these.  And they’re not “winning.”  It’s really hard and frustrating for them.  They feel like losers.  So they have this experience of feeling like they’re failing at the game and they say to themselves: “I’m the problem.  I’m no good at this game of life.  I suck at it.  I should either try a lot harder even though I’m already so tired or I should give up and accept that I will never succeed at this game;”
9536.  They make the mistake of looking at other people who have wealth, success, freedom and ease in their lives and they say to themselves: “See, they’ve worked out how to win this game, so it must be possible.  It’s just me who sucks.”  That comparison makes them judge themselves as less than and a failure;
9537.  That’s not the problem at all.  No one could win at the game using the rules they’ve been playing by.  They don’t suck.  It’s the rules that suck;
9538.  The people, who they’re comparing themselves to, the ones who are “successful,” those people are not playing by the same set of rules;
9539.  The “winners” have an internal set of rules that are more like this: 1.  Success and wealth comes easily to me; 2.  My wealth grows and grows; 3.  Wealth and success help me to have freedom, choice, fun and ease in my life; 4.  Wealth and success facilitates my happiness; 5.  My money makes me more money without me having to do much more effort; and 6.  I’m okay and I’m worthy of love and happiness, no matter what my wealth and success status because my worth is not determined by that;
9540.  If you ever feel like the game of life is just too hard, too tiring or so frustrating that you want to scream then listen to me when I tell you: You do not suck at the game.  You are not the problem.  You have a unique gift inside of you, one that the world is waiting for and that only you can give.  You are amazing;
9541.  It’s time to change the rulebook you’re playing by so that the game can become easier, much more fun, you can stop feeling frustrated and constrained and you can finally shine to your full potential;
9542.  Apparently, a woman’s tears can reduce a man’s testosterone levels;
9543.  The toughest pill to swallow is accepting that people’s effort with you is a reflection of their interest;
9544.  The food on Qatar Airways is pretty good. . . . It’s the best airline food I’ve ever had;
9545.  Hamad International Airport (in Doha, Qatar) is the nicest airport I’ve (ever) been in;
9546.  Apparently, Hamad International Airport is (rated) the 3rd best airport in the world;
9547.  Kombucha is (really) expensive (i.e., 30.00 QAR/$8.25 USD) in Doha, Qatar (at least in the Hamad International Airport);
9548.  They have Starbucks in Qatar;
9549.  I can say I’ve had a drink (specifically a “Million Dollar Baby” made with gin, rum, vodka, Cointreau, pineapple juice, rose syrup & lemon) in Doha, Qatar;
9550.  The boneless Buffalo chicken (wings) at Soprafino (Italian Fine Dining) in Doha, Qatar are really tasty;