Monday, December 19, 2016

What I've learned since moving to D.C. (some of which should be obvious): 0098

4851.  There is always something more that you can do . . . always.  There is always a way to get better.  You will never, ever, rest if you want to be the very best at what you do;
4852.  If you’re not doing what you should be doing, you’re literally wasting your life at this very moment;
4853.  Think of one thing you want to do tomorrow that you don’t have the courage to do.  You know what it is.  Go out and do it.  Just know that every moment that you don’t, a piece of life passes you forever and you will never get it back;
4854.  What “settling” really boils down to is fear.  Fear that you won’t find anyone better, fear that you’ll never find another girl like her;
4855.  If you want the best in life, you have to feel that you deserve the best in life;
4856.  It’s a lot easier to hear phone calls outside when you use earphones (especially when it’s windy);
4857.  In the White House garden, there’s a plant bed named after Thomas Jefferson with lettuce, Brussel sprouts, beets, kale and artichoke plants grown from seeds that have been passed down from plants Jefferson planted at Monticello;
4858.  Logic will take you from A to Z.  Imagination will get you everywhere;
4859.  If love and joy are what you want to give and receive then remember that you can’t give away what you don’t have, but you can change your life by changing what’s inside if you’re willing to go that extra mile;
4860.  Your thoughts create your reality because your thoughts determine how you respond to situations in your daily life.  Those responses are the energy you have inside of you to give away.  If you feel anger, it’s because you have anger energy in your body.  Like everything in our universe, your thoughts are a form of energy.  Everything that you feel and experience is the result of “attractor” energies.  This means that you get back what you put out into the world.  Thus, what you’ve attracted to you is what you have to give away to others;
4861.  Low energy attracts low energy.  Some of the low energy thoughts are anger, hate, shame, guilt and fear.  Not only do they weaken you, but they attract more of the same.  By changing your inner thoughts to the higher frequencies of love, harmony, kindness, peace and joy, you’ll attract more of the same and you’ll have those higher energies to give away.  These higher and faster frequencies that empower you will automatically nullify and dissipate the lower energies in the same way that the presence of light makes darkness disappear;
4862.  By becoming more loving toward yourself, you will attract more of the higher, faster energies and begin to change what’s inside of you.  In your thoughts, cultivate an inner voice and attitude that’s 100 percent of the time for you.  Imagine an aspect of yourself that only supports and loves you.  You might schedule a certain time of the day when that’s the only thought that you allow yourself to pay attention to.  Gradually, this attitude will extend to other people even if you can only do it for a minute or two.  You’ll begin to receive this energy back and ultimately be able to send thoughts of love and joy to everyone and everything in your world.  Notice when your thoughts drift into the lower energy of ridicule, hate or guilt, and change the thought at that very moment if at all possible.  If you’re unable to change the thought, then at least love yourself for what you did do – that is, for noticing;
4863.  Make a pact to remind yourself often of this secret of not being able to give away anything you don’t have.  Then work on your personal program of self-love, self-respect and self-empowerment, and create a huge inventory of what you wish to give away;
4864.  The universe responds with the same energy that we send out.  If you attract a lot of people who wish to take advantage of you, you need to consider what you’re doing to attract victimizers into your life.  If you run into anger a lot, explore the angry thoughts you have inside of you.  If your consciousness is a “Gimme!  Gimme!  Gimme!” energy, you’ll attract all manner of demanding energies into your life.  You know if this is true by the number of deadlines not being met, demanding bosses or customers you encounter, and the feeling of being a victim.  Send out “Gimme!  Gimme!  Gimme!” energy to the universe and it will do the same in return;
4865.  If what you give is self-respect and self-love, the universe will return the love and respect you’ve been radiating.  You can’t give away what you don’t have;
4866.  Not failing is the only way to really fail in life.  You don’t become successful without having a slew of failures in your tracks;
4867.  You aren’t going to magically become successful without trying . . . without taking action . . . and especially without failing a few times.  Because failure goes hand in hand with success.  So if you want something, don’t think about.  Don’t dream about it.  And don’t fantasize about it.  That won’t get you anywhere.  And neither will avoiding failure like the plague.  Instead, get out there right now and do something;
4868.  Write down what your motivation in life is.  Why do you want a girlfriend or want confidence, etc.?  Open up a blank page, or a note on your phone, or anything that you have next to you and just write as much as you can down.  Now(, this is the hard part), look at what you wrote.  Then distill it down to one word or one sentence.  Your phrase can be anything, but just think of one.  Then, take an index card or anything that is thicker than a regular piece of paper and write it down.  Then put it in your wallet, right next to one of your credit cards, preferably, the one you use the most.  The hope is that you’ll see it every so often and remind yourself to get off your ass and do something;
4869.  It is impossible to be successful while secretly planning on failure;
4870.  If you want different outcomes, ask yourself different questions;
4871.  If you want something – and I mean really want something – then you need to do whatever it takes to make it happen.  No matter how impossible it seems.  No matter how much time it takes.  No matter how hard it is.  Block out the voices in the back of your head telling you it’s “too insane” and go for it anyway;
4872.  If effectiveness is doing the right things, efficiency is doing things right;
4873.  It doesn’t really make sense to measure ourselves in comparison with other immeasurable beings.  In fact, we are what we are; we are not how well we happen to perform at a given moment.  The grade on a report card may measure an ability in arithmetic, but it doesn’t measure the person’s value;
4874.  It is true that competition for many is merely an arena for venting aggression; it is taken as a proving ground for establishing who is stronger, tougher or smarter.  Each imagines that by beating the other s/he has in some way established her/his superiority over her/him, not just in a game, but as a woman/man.  What is seldom recognized is that the need to prove that you are better than someone else is based on insecurity and self-doubt.  Only to the extent that one is unsure about who and what s/he is does s/he need to prove herself/himself to herself/himself or to others;
4875.  The more challenging the obstacle s/he faces, the greater the opportunity for the surfer to discover and extend her/his true potential.  The potential may have always been within her/him, but until it is manifested in action, it remains a secret hidden from herself/himself.  The obstacles are a very necessary ingredient to this process of self-discovery;
4876.  Winning is overcoming obstacles to reach a goal, but the value in winning is only as great as the value of the goal reached.  Reaching the goal itself may not be as valuable as the experience that can come in making a supreme effort to overcome the obstacles involved.  The process can be more rewarding than the victory itself;
4877.  True competition is identical with true cooperation.  Each player tries her/his hardest to defeat the other, but in this use of competition it isn’t the other person we are defeating; it is simply a matter of overcoming the obstacles s/he presents.  In true competition, no person is defeated.  Both players benefit by their efforts to overcome the obstacles presented by the other;
4878.  When I’m concerned only about winning, I’m caring about something that I can’t wholly control.  Whether I win or lose the external game is a result of my opponent’s skill and effort as well as my own.  When one is emotionally attached to results that s/he can’t control, s/he tends to become anxious and then try too hard.  But one can control the effort s/he puts into winning.  One can always do the best s/he can at any given moment.  Since it is impossible to feel anxiety about an event that one can control, the mere awareness that you are using maximum effort to win each point will carry you past the problem of anxiety.  As a result, the energy which would otherwise have gone into the anxiety and its consequences can then be utilized in one’s effort to win the point.  In this way one’s chances of winning the outer game are maximized;
4879.  Learning to welcome obstacles in competition automatically increases one’s ability to find advantage in all the difficulties one meets in the course of one’s life.  Hence, every inner gain applies immediately and automatically to the full range of one’s activities;
4880.  One U.S. dollar is worth 1.34 Canadian dollars (in October of 2016);
4881.  Apparently, Canadians don’t differentiate condominiums from apartments;
4882.  If you’re a (Wayne) Gretzky fan or a(n ice) hockey fan in general, go to “Wayne Gretzky’s” ( in (downtown) Toronto(, Ontario), it’s like a museum (in there);
4883.  Appropriately, “Wayne Gretzky’s” is (located) at “99” Blue Jays Way;
4884.  Tim Hortons ( is like a cross between Burger King and Dunkin’ Donuts;
4885.  Tim Hortons chili is pretty good.  It’s better than Wendy’s (chili).  It might be my favorite fast food chili;
4886.  Tim Hortons is everywhere in Canada (. . . at least in London, Ontario);
4887.  With a few exceptions, you can only buy alcohol at L.C.B.O. in Ontario;
4888.  I can say I’ve ridden a mechanical bull;
4889.  Riding a mechanical bull (really) hurts your hands;
4890.  Apparently, riding a mechanical bull is all about grip strength;
4891.  I met Dale Hunter (the former captain and head coach of the Washington Capitals) at “The Bull & Barrel Urban Saloon” ( in London(, Ontario);
4892.  Apparently, you can be too drunk to ride a mechanical bull( . . . just ask Matilda);
4893.  Sara (Worth) has an Austrian background;
4894.  (You should) take your belt off when she’s not looking;
4895.  They provide complimentary refreshments (i.e., beverages & snacks) at Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport (i.e., Toronto Island Airport);
4896.  Porter Airlines ( provides complimentary beer, wine and snacks on their flights;
4897.  I (still) need to work on keeping my head up;
4898.  A high triglyceride count and low H.D.L. (i.e., high-density lipoprotein) is a sign of an increased risk of heart disease;
4899.  Don’t compare your backstage to everyone else’s front stage;
4900.  The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel;

Monday, December 12, 2016

What I've learned since moving to D.C. (some of which should be obvious): 0097

4801.  The Swedish meatballs (with cream sauce, lingonberries and potato purée) at Restaurang Riche ( in Stockholm(, Sweden) are pretty tasty;
4802.  I can say I’ve had Swedish meatballs in Sweden;
4803.  Unlike in the U.S., a woman counts as a person entering a club in Sweden;
4804.  Most Swedes are unwilling to pay a cover (charge) to get into a club;
4805.  Apparently, the Swedish dating model is (to) have sex a couple of times, find out if you like each other and then go out on a date;
4806.  Apparently, Wednesday is considered “little Saturday” in Sweden;
4807.  (Some) Swedish women can get self-conscious if they’re drinking and you’re not;
4808.  There’s complimentary tailoring if you get your jeans at NK Denim (;
4809.  A cashless society has got to be rough on panhandlers;
4810.  The Max Grilled chicken salad at Max Burger ( is (actually) pretty tasty;
4811.  In Sweden, you can only buy liquor at Systembolaget;
4812.  In Sweden, they only sell beer by the can or bottle.  There aren’t any six-packs or cases;
4813.  Liquor is (quite) expensive in Sweden;
4814.  Don’t let me arounds docks when I’ve been drinking;
4815.  It’s not a good idea to shotgun beers after helping to polish off a bottle of Johnnie Walker Red (Label);
4816.  What do you do after taking swigs of Johnnie Walker Red (Label), shotgunning beers and passing out at a lake house in Sweden?  The answer is: Shower, get dressed and go to the club (specifically Café Opera in Stockholm, Sweden);
4817.  Apparently, I’m Ian’s guardian angel;
4818.  The “Insane” (i.e., vertical spinning coaster) is probably the best ride in Gröna Lund (;
4819.  The “Lustiga Huset” (i.e., walk through fun house) in Gröna Lund is really fun.  Some of the stuff they have in there, you couldn’t get away with it in the U.S.;
4820.  A poached egg is just a soft-boiled egg without the shell;
4821.  I can say I’ve drank from a Midas bottle of champagne;
4822.  Swedish snus is (really) potent;
4823.  Apparently, it’s come full circle. . . . I helped get Andrew laid;
4824.  Mister French ( is a nice place to get drinks and/or eat in Gamla stan (i.e., “The Old Town”) in Stockholm(, Sweden);
4825.  Self-actualized people never place anything into their imaginations that they don’t want to harden into an objective fact;
4826.  Apparently, (as a U.S. citizen,) the U.S. government doesn’t limit how long you can stay/travel out of the country;
4827.  In Sweden, the traffic lights turn from red to yellow (for a split second) before they turn (to) green;
4828.  I’ll always have fond memories of Stockholm(, Sweden);
4829.  Apparently, you can get your VAT/GST taxes back from purchases made abroad at stores associated with Global Blue (  (It could save you up to 19 percent);
4830.  Steven (Agarwal) said I seem calmer;
4831.  Flavor Flav can play the bass;
4832.  Apparently, Flavor Flav is against racism and separatism;
4833.  Beluga vodka is very smooth.  When it’s chilled, it’s (almost) like drinking water;
4834.  Steven (Agarwal) said I don’t have any problems talking to women;
4835.  Luisa said I seem happier and that I smile more;
4836.  If you are depressed, you are living in the past.  If you are anxious, you are living in the future.  If you are at peace, you are living in the present;
4837.  The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up;
4838.  Silence is golden when you can’t think of a good answer;
4839.  The sun is always shining someplace;
4840.  The definition of evil is unfriendliness;
4841.  The more we help others, the more we help ourselves;
4842.  What you are thinking about you are becoming;
4843.  When you’re right, nobody remembers.  When you’re wrong, nobody forgets;
4844.  Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom.  Mastering others is strength, mastering yourself is true power;
4845.  You can’t grow as a person unless you experience adversity.  Just like you can’t get big muscles without first tearing them up at the gym, you can’t have a strong psyche without experiencing psychological and emotional pain;
4846.  Face the pain.  Embrace the challenge.  Go where you’ve never been before.  Do what’s uncomfortable.  This is what a master does.  This is what a king does;
4847.  Not only does pain provide a direct avenue for growth and development, it also gives us the contrast that makes pleasure enjoyable;
4848.  Write down three of the most emotionally jarring experiences you’ve had in your life.  Write down three reasons to be thankful for each experience and three ways each experience made you a better person;
4849.  Allow yourself to scream and cry whenever you face a difficult emotion.  Challenge yourself to be as present as you can during the experience.  The expression of pain is cathartic.  It’s something each of us needs;
4850.  Make a statement of gratitude every time you face a challenging or uncomfortable situation in your life.  It can be directed to yourself, to reality, the universe, existence or God.  It doesn’t matter.  Just make a point to say “thank you,” in some way.  Start doing it even if you have to force it through your teeth at first.  Over time, it will become more and more natural.  In this way, you’ll train yourself to embrace challenges;

Monday, November 21, 2016

What I've learned since moving to D.C. (some of which should be obvious): 0096

4751.  Just make it stop!
4752.  Time slows down when you’re on LSD;
4753.  Songs seem four times as long when you’re on LSD;
4754.  Distances seem a lot further when you’re on acid;
4755.  Coldplay, U2 and “The Who” are the soundtrack to my “trip” in Prague;
4756.  Psychedelic art makes total sense to me now;
4757.  One of the best tasting peaches I’ve ever had was the (one I ate the) morning after taking LSD;
4758.  One of the best tasting chocolate muffins I’ve ever had was the (one I ate the) morning after taking LSD;
4759.  Apparently, tourists invade Prague on the weekends;
4760.  Apparently, the age of consent in Sweden is 15;
4761.  It seems like they only sell tab gum in Europe. . . . I couldn’t find (any) stick gum;
4762.  The cutest(, female,) 7-Eleven(, night) clerk I’ve ever seen was in Stockholm(, Sweden);
4763.  (The) Swedes maintain strong eye contact from the (female,) night clerk at 7-Eleven to the (male,) concierge at the Nobis Hotel;
4764.  People are impeccably dressed in Sweden;
4765.  Swedish women are absolutely stunning (at least in Stockholm);
4766.  The going out/clubbing nights in Sweden are Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays;
4767.  Apparently, “The Wall” in Sturecompagniet ( is the club/place to be in Stockholm(, Sweden);
4768.  If you’re looking for outer validation, clubbing in Sweden can be very painful;
4769.  Swedish clubs are pretty small;
4770.  Swedish women (will) pay for their own drinks;
4771.  Sweden is very sexually open;
4772.  Shoving is perfectly normal in Swedish clubs.  It’s not a sign of aggression/hostility;
4773.  Swedish clubs are filled with (really) beautiful women;
4774.  Swedish people are very polite and courteous;
4775.  “Bruce” was born on September 1st, 2016 (at the Nobis Hotel in Stockholm, Sweden);
4776.  Ask for her number afterwards;
4777.  In Stockholm, (Sweden) the after parties are at “Hell’s Kitchen” (in Sturecompagniet) ( and (at) “Solidaritet” (;
4778.  I think I’ll always have fond memories of Café Opera ( in Stockholm(, Sweden);
4779.  Sweden is largely a cashless society.  Even the street vendors have credit card machines;
4780.  Apparently, “princess cake” (i.e., prinsesstårta) is the official cake of Sweden;
4781.  “Princess cake” is pretty tasty.  It’s not too sweet;
4782.  Expresso House ( in Sweden is like Starbucks in the U.S.  (They’re everywhere);
4783.  The Nobel Prize (except for the Peace Prize) is awarded at the Stockholm Concert Hall followed by an awards banquet at (Stockholm) City Hall;
4784.  The cutest, Starbucks barista I’ve ever seen was in Stockholm(, Sweden);
4785.  I had my first “Wi-Fi” experience on September 4th, 2016 (at the Nobis Hotel in Stockholm, Sweden);
4786.  The Swedes (definitely) like to drink/party;
4787.  Brunettes and redheads stand out in Swedish clubs . . . not the blondes;
4788.  There are a lot of 7-Elevens in Stockholm(, Sweden . . . just like in Hong Kong);
4789.  TGI Friday’s is (actually) pretty nice in Stockholm(, Sweden).  They even have a deejay spinning on Friday and Saturday nights;
4790.  You have to bag your (own) groceries in Sweden;
4791.  Watch out for the six year-old girls when playing laser tag in Stockholm(, Sweden);
4792.  A half Russian, half Swede will drink you under the table;
4793.  Anna (Lasko) likes sour drinks;
4794.  Anna (Lasko) has soft lips;
4795.  The “hand of god” does work!
4796.  The best deal in Stockholm(, Sweden) may be the rotisserie chicken at Hemköp (;
4797.  The cutest, delicatessen clerk/butcher I’ve ever seen was in Stockholm(, Sweden);
4798.  Apparently, you don’t actually have to say words in a loud environment; you can just “mouth” them;
4799.  Apparently, “fladderfitta” means “floppy pussy” in Swedish;
4800.  Swedish crispbread (i.e., knäckebröd) is rather tasty. . . . It’s like a slightly sweet cracker;

Monday, November 14, 2016

What I've learned since moving to D.C. (some of which should be obvious): 0095

4701.  Monica (Stachowski) has soft lips;
4702.  Tiësto is pretty awesome;
4703.  Apparently, you can scroll through your phone using your nose;
4704.  Apparently, you should never tell a woman that you have a scratchy/sore throat or that you’re not feeling well;
4705.  I’ve had a man kiss me on the lips . . . (damn) Germans;
4706.  One U.S. dollar is worth about 6.75 Croatian Kuna (in August of 2016);
4707.  Concentration is the act of focusing one’s attention.  As the mind is allowed to focus on a single object, it stills.  As the mind is kept in the present, it becomes calm.  Concentration means keeping the mind now and here.  Concentration is the supreme art because no art can be achieved without it, while with it, anything can be achieved;
4708.  Rhythm can never be achieved by being overly purposeful about it; you have to let it happen.  But sensitivity to rhythm developed through concentration helps;
4709.  It is consciousness which makes possible awareness of the sights, sounds, feelings and thoughts which compose what we call “experience.”  It is self-evident that one cannot experience anything outside of consciousness.  Consciousness is that which makes all things and events knowable.  Without consciousness, eyes could not see, ears could not hear and the mind could not think;
4710.  When attention is allowed to rest in one place, it comes to know that place because attention is focused consciousness and consciousness is that power of knowing;
4711.  Awareness – Attention – Concentration – One-Pointed Concentration;
4712.  What is higher consciousness, but seeking more of what is already there?  As one’s ability to focus the light energy of consciousness increases, the effective range of her/his vision increases. S/he seems to see things that are invisible, such as the thoughts of others, the so-called past or the future.  Actually, s/he is only seeing what is already there and is now visible to her/him because s/he can focus the energy of her/his awareness;
4713.  The value of concentration becomes clear as we grow to understand that nothing can be enjoyed or appreciated if it cannot be known.  Beauty cannot be enjoyed unless one can know it.  Peace cannot be enjoyed unless it can be known.  The same goes for love and truth-in fact, anything that is valued by man.  By increasing the effective power of awareness, concentration allows us to throw more light on whatever we value knowing and to that extent enables us to know and enjoy it more;
4714.  But it is also necessary to learn to focus awareness in the now.  This simply means tuning into what is happening in the present.  The greatest lapses in concentration come when we allow our minds to project what is about to happen or to dwell on what has already happened;
4715.  Usually part of our energy is left in the thought world of past or future, so that the present is not seen with all of one’s light awareness;
4716.  Since the mind seems to have a will of its own, how can one learn to keep it in the present?  By practice.  There is no other way.  Every time your mind starts to leak away, simply bring it gently back;
4717.  You become more aware of what is going on as you learn to keep your attention in the now.  The most direct means of increasing one’s ability to concentrate is through the practice of meditation;
4718.  How to stay concentrated in the here and now between points?  Focus your attention on breathing.  Some objector activity which is always present is needed;
4719.  Anxiety is fear about what may happen in the future and it occurs only when the mind is imagining what the future may bring.  But when your attention is on the here and now, the actions which need to be done in the present have their best chance of being successfully accomplished and as a result the future will become the best possible present;
4720.  It is perplexing to wonder why we ever leave the here and now.  Here and now are the only place and time when one ever enjoys herself/himself or accomplishes anything.  Most of our suffering takes place when we allow our minds to imagine the future or mull over the past;
4721.  Our desire that things be different from what they are pulls our minds into an unreal world and, in consequence, we are less able to appreciate what the present has to offer;
4722.  The Pharos Hotel ( in Hvar(, Croatia) is really nice;
4723.  In Hvar, (Croatia) the after parties are at “Carpe Diem Beach” ( and (at) “Pink Champagne” (;
4724.  Apparently, “being in your body” feels a lot like being drunk except you’re coordinated and you don’t slur your words;
4725.  It seems that people drink and do drugs (in an attempt) to try and “be in their bodies;”
4726.  There aren’t any Starbucks in Hvar(, Croatia). . . . (Come to think of it,) I don’t think there are any Starbucks in Croatia (period);
4727.  There aren’t many chain stores in Hvar(, Croatia) except the grocery store and (maybe) the drugstore;
4728.  Croatia is a very cash heavy society;
4729.  The pizza in Croatia is awful;
4730.  There are no (international) transaction fees for an international ATM withdrawal from Burke & Herbert Bank;
4731.  You have to meet Molly. . . . She’s your friend;
4732.  “Kinder Bueno” chocolate bars are pretty tasty;
4733.  If you want to go to Yacht Week Croatia, but you don’t want to pay for it, (you might) try being a summer intern (;
4734.  Sunseekers are really nice boats . . . and, apparently, they’re British;
4735.  I can say I’ve gone diving off a boat;
4736.  It’s (probably) not a good idea to swim (out) to a secluded beach without a life vest, especially when the only way to get there is to swim and you’re not a very good/strong swimmer;
4737.  Lori (Hill) has a (strong) sexual energy/vibe about her when she’s drunk;
4738.  One U.S. dollar is worth 24.4 Czech (Republic) Koruna (in August of 2016);
4739.  Prague (in the Czech Republic) is cheap.  A steak dinner at a nice restaurant is about $20.00 U.S. dollars;
4740.  If you thought the strip club panderers in (Las) Vegas were bad, don’t go to Prague;
4741.  Apparently, the age of consent in the Czech Republic is 15;
4742.  Apparently, “Karlovy Lázně” ( (in Prague) is the biggest/largest club in central Europe. . . . It’s five stories;
4743.  With the conversion rate, Uber is really cheap in Prague;
4744.  (I can say) I’ve had beef goulash in the Czech Republic;
4745.  A trdlo is like a cross between a cream horn and a cinnamon roll;
4746.  The pork knuckle at Bredovský Dvůr ( (in Prague) is pretty tasty . . . and cheap (i.e., about $12.50 U.S. dollars);
4747.  Traditional Czech food is similar to Bavarian cuisine;
4748.  Dark, Czech beer is rather tasty;
4749.  Slovenian women hate it when you confuse their country with Estonia;
4750.  It’s (probably) not a good idea to take LSD (i.e., acid) during a rainstorm in the middle of a busy park (specifically Letná Park in Prague);

Monday, October 24, 2016

What I've learned since moving to D.C. (some of which should be obvious): 0094

4651.  Red burgundy (wine) refers to pinot noir from Bourgogne, France;
4652.  Once you learn how to learn, you have only to discover what is worth learning;
4653.  It is much more difficult to break a habit when there is no adequate replacement for it;
4654.  It is not helpful to condemn our present behavior patterns; it is helpful to see what function these habits are serving, so that if we learn a better way to achieve the same end, we can do so.  We never repeat any behavior which isn't serving some function or purpose;
4655.  It is difficult to become aware of the function of any pattern of behavior while we are in the process of blaming ourselves for having a "bad habit."  But when we stop trying to suppress or correct the habit, we can see the function it serves and then an alternative pattern of behavior, which serves the same function better, emerges quite effortlessly;
4656.  Habits are statements about the past and the past is gone;
4657.  There is no need to fight old habits.  Start new ones.  It is the resisting of an old habit that puts you in that trench.  Starting a new pattern is easy when done with childlike disregard for imagined difficulties;
4658.  T-Mobile customers get unlimited texting and one hour of free (of Gogo In-Flight) Wi-Fi on Virgin America flights;
4659.  The truth is you don’t know what you can really accomplish until you try;
4660.  The important thing is to experience it.  Don’t intellectualize it.  See what it feels like to ask yourself to do something and let it happen without any conscious trying;
4661.  The grilled chicken at Whataburger ( is pretty tasty;
4662.  You’d think the wind would be cooling . . . not in (Las) Vegas;
4663.  The daughter of the audio engineer(, who does all of the telecasts) for the NBA(,) is rather attractive . . . and (she’s) a hockey fan (i.e., New York Rangers);
4664.  “Secret Pizza” (on the 3rd floor of “The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas”) may have the best pizza in (Las) Vegas;
4665.  The water at pool parties in (Las) Vegas is (pretty) disgusting/dirty (specifically Nightswim at XS Nightclub);
4666.  I’m not a Skrillex fan;
4667.  There are places (i.e., desert areas) outside of (Las) Vegas where you can go and (legally) shoot (your) guns;
4668.  Loading the last couple of rounds into a magazine is a pain;
4669.  I can say I’ve driven in (Las) Vegas;
4670.  I can say that I’ve helped smuggle in two (large) suitcases worth of booze into a nightclub (specifically Marquee Nightclub & Dayclub) in (Las) Vegas;
4671.  The bungalows at Marquee Nightclub & Dayclub are ridiculous;
4672.  I can say I’ve partied with LeBron James in (Las) Vegas . . . and with some of his teammates on the (Cleveland) Cavaliers (i.e., Kyrie Irving, Kevin Love, Tristan Thompson, Channing Frye, Richard Jefferson, Dahntay Jones & Jordan McRae) as well as Chris Paul (of the Los Angeles Clippers), Kentavious Caldwell-Pope (of the Detroit Pistons) and Tyler Ulis (of the Phoenix Suns);
4673.  Apparently, I should listen to whatever Hanoz (Mistry) and Alex (Page) tell me;
4674.  (Unbeknownst to me,) apparently, I give off a very sexual energy . . . and that I won’t have to worry about not (sexually) satisfying a woman;
4675.  Apparently, I’ll succeed at anything I put my mind to;
4676.  Apparently, if I put my mind to it, I could teach myself (to play) the guitar from YouTube videos;
4677.  It’s good to know a pharmacist;
4678.  If you’re parking at “The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas,” go down to (level) B4.  There are a lot more open spots (down) there because there aren’t any spaces reserved for valet (parking);
4679.  Realize that you’re giving a woman a gift when you’re approaching and giving her a compliment;
4680.  Let me get your number in case we get separated;
4681.  Most of the casinos in (Las) Vegas have free parking.  Look for the “self-park” lots;
4682.  I’ve cracked my back for the first time (ever) . . . and it feels amazing;
4683.  Watch out for (slim,) 26 year-old, Israeli brunettes, who just want a good view of the deejay (specifically Hardwell) from your table;
4684.  Seth (Barr) is glad to be my friend;
4685.  There’s something strange/weird about folding another man’s underwear;
4686.  Sarah (Foster) doesn’t think I’m shy/introverted;
4687.  Danial (Coggan) said I’m an inspiration to him;
4688.  Apparently, I’m an I.N.F.J.-A. (i.e., introverted 78%. Intuitive 64%, Feeling 56%, Judging 70% & Assertive 76%). . . . My role is a “diplomat” and my strategy is “confident individualism;”
4689.  In (Las) Vegas, the police won’t show up to a car accident unless someone is injured;
4690.  You (know you) have good posture if your arms are by your sides;
4691.  I’m a chiropractic convert;
4692.  When you’re at the table mixing drinks, (you should) smell the club soda (first) to make sure it isn’t vodka;
4693.  I didn’t know Calvin Harris had so many hit songs;
4694.  I can say, at one point, I had a six-pack;
4695.  I really like Kaskade;
4696.  Apparently, tall (i.e., 5’10”), blonde, former (college) volleyball players, living in Chicago(, Illinois) date shorter, “loser” men;
4697.  Robert (Roebuck) said I’m an inspiration to him (as well);
4698.  You’re a good conversationalist if you can get into 10-20 minute (long) conversations;
4699.  The breakfast (i.e., two eggs any style & the create your own omelet) at the Strip View Café ( in (Las) Vegas is (really) tasty . . . and cheap;
4700.  Steve Aoki may be my favorite deejay in (Las) Vegas;

Monday, October 10, 2016

What I've learned since moving to D.C. (some of which should be obvious): 0093

4601.  Look for the loving presence in others.  Rather than seeing only another physical being, tell yourself that the Christ in me is meeting the Christ in you.  Spend a day silently reciting the word “love” whenever you encounter another human being.  This has such a powerful effect that you may choose to use it as a silent background mantra throughout your day;
4602.  You will build yourself up spiritually by attempting tougher and tougher assignments.  One of the toughest assignments is to disregard the ego message to evaluate yourself with the criteria of appearance and possessions.  But know each time you are able to be less judgmental toward others or yourself, you are becoming stronger by having taken on the heavier spiritual weights;
4603.  Long drives are a good time to listen to podcasts.  They definitely help the time pass;
4604.  My (late) uncle, John, owned a (yellow) Porsche;
4605.  Results take time; a lot of time.  And, you might not realize this right now, but even if you fail you’ll have learned so much from the experience.  So, no matter what, you’re set;
4606.  The worst possible thing you can do right now is quit.  That’s the only way to guarantee you waste all your hard work;
4607.  I used to think fear of rejection and fear of failure were only relevant when it comes to girls, but they really apply to almost everything in life;
4608.  There’s no such thing as wasting effort.  As long as you’re taking action and doing something productive, you’re getting one step closer to your goal.  Even when you make a mistake.  Even when you fail.  Even when it seems like you’re making no progress.  Those things are all part of the process.  How long should you try before giving up?  Forever;
4609.  If you’re thinking, “I tested out my idea and I haven’t seen any results or any progress yet.  What then?”  That’s when it’s smart to try something new and pivot into a slightly new direction.  But once you do have at least a decent idea then you go full-force ahead and never quit.  You work your ass off 24/7/365 until you’ve accomplished what you once thought impossible;
4610.  It all comes down to taking action.  As long as you take action and don’t prematurely quit before you’ve built up some serious momentum, you’re set;
4611.  A significant other can only improve an already enjoyable life.  If you hate your life right now, for whatever reason, no boyfriend/girlfriend is going to fix that;
4612.  Do you think finding your dream guy/girl is going to make your life do a complete 180 and magically fix all your problems?  If it was true, it’d mean you never have to face your fears and you never have to work on yourself.  That your dream guy/girl would just fall out of the sky and fix all of your problems for you.  Instead of learning how to be happy on your own, you’re basically saying, “I can only be happy if I’m in a relationship;”
4613.  Ask yourself this, “If your ideal boy/girlfriend adopted your current lifestyle – hobbies, passions, interests and all – would you still want to date him/her?”  Because if you wouldn’t be happy dating a person like you, why would any attractive guy/girl?
4614.  You need to turn yourself into a guy/girl that girls/guys find irresistible.  Because then, and only then, will you be able to have a happy relationship with your dream girl/guy;
4615.  A relationship is made up of two individuals.  And, therefore, the relationship is the sum of you two: Unhappy You + Girlfriend/Boyfriend = Unhappy Relationship; and Happy You + Girlfriend/Boyfriend = Happy Relationship;
4616.  You need to be happy all on your own before you can be happy in a relationship;
4617.  When you learn to enjoy life on your own.  And then, when you’re completely happy with your single life.  That’s when your dream girl/guy will show up.  And that’s when you’ll be ready for her/him;
4618.  Apparently, boys and girls develop the same until puberty;
4619.  Neck hair is (really) annoying when you’re growing your hair out;
4620.  (White) fish with dill and lemon is overrated;
4621.  A goal without a deadline is a dream;
4622.  An irrational fear isn’t going to respond to a rational argument;
4623.  The more that you can embrace who you are and what you’re good at, and the more you invest in that, the more you can expand your means;
4624.  Who would’ve thought (that) a hard-boiled egg, wrapped in sausage (meat), battered and deep-fried (i.e., Scotch egg) and dipped/dunked in honey mustard would taste good?
4625.  Doing cardio is another good time to listen to podcasts;
4626.  I still don’t take compliments (very) well;
4627.  A 2011 survey found that as many as 20 percent of travelers have had sex on an airplane (though the survey did not distinguish between commercial carriers and private jets);
4628.  80% of all cancer is directly related to lifestyle;
4629.  According to the teachings of Lao-Tzu, the four cardinal virtues represent the surest way to leave habits and excuses behind and reconnect to your original nature.  The more your life is harmonized with the four virtues, the less you’re controlled by the uncompromising ego;
4630.  The First Cardinal Virtue: Reverence for All Life – The first cardinal virtue manifests in your daily life as unconditional love and respect for all beings in creation.  This includes making a conscious effort to love and respect yourself, as well as to remove all judgments and criticisms.  Understand that you are a piece of God, and since you must be like what you came from, you are lovable, worthy and Godlike.  Affirm this as often as you can, for when you see yourself in a loving way, you have nothing but love to extend outward.  And the more you love others, the less you need old excuse patterns, particularly those relating to blame;
4631.  The Second Cardinal Virtue: Natural Sincerity – This virtue manifests itself as honesty, simplicity and faithfulness; and it’s summed up by the popular reminder to be true to yourself.  Using an excuse to explain why your life isn’t working at the level you prefer isn’t being true to yourself – when you’re completely honest and sincere, excuses don’t even enter into the picture.  The second virtue involves living a life that reflects choices that come from respect and affection for your own nature.  Make truth your most important attribute.  Walk your talk; that is, become sincere and honest in all that you say and do.  If you find this to be a challenge, take a moment to affirm: I no longer need to be insincere or dishonest.  This is who I am and this is how I feel.  When you know and trust yourself, you also know and trust the Divinity that created you.  If you live from honesty, sincerity and faithfulness to the callings of your spirit, you’ll never have occasion to use excuses;
4632.  The Third Cardinal Virtue: Gentleness – This virtue personifies one of the most frequently employed maxims: “When you have the choice to be right or to be kind, always pick kind.”  So many of your old thinking habits and their attendant excuses come out of a need to make yourself right and others wrong.  When you practice this third virtue, you eliminate conflicts that result in your need to explain why you’re right.  This virtue manifests as kindness, consideration for others and sensitivity to spiritual truth.  Gentleness generally implies that you no longer have a strong ego-inspired desire to dominate or control others, which allows you to move into a rhythm with the universe.  You cooperate with it, much like a surfer who rides with the waves instead of trying to overpower them.  Gentleness means accepting life and people as they are, rather than insisting that they be as you are.  As you practice living this way, blame disappears and you enjoy a peaceful world;
4633.  The Fourth Cardinal Virtue: Supportiveness – This virtue manifests in your life as service to others without any expectation of reward.  Once again, when you extend yourself in a spirit of giving, helping or loving, you act as God acts.  As you consider the many excuses that have dominated your life, look carefully at them – you’ll see that they’re all focused on the ego: I can’t do this.  I’m too busy or too scared.  I’m unworthy.  No one will help me.  I’m too old.  I’m too tired.  Now imagine shifting your attention off of yourself and asking the universal mind, “How may I serve?”  When you do so, the message you’re sending is: I’m not thinking about myself and what I can or can’t have.  Your attention is on making someone else feel better.  The greatest joy comes from giving and serving, so replace your habit of focusing exclusively on yourself and what’s in it for you.  When you make the shift to supporting others in your life, without expecting anything in return, you’ll think less about what you want and find comfort and joy in the act of giving and serving;
4634.  The four cardinal virtues are a road map to the simple truth of the universe.  To revere all of life, to live with natural sincerity, to practice gentleness and to be in service to others is to replicate the energy field from which you originated;
4635.  Compliments are criticisms in disguise.  Both are used to manipulate behavior, but compliments are just more socially acceptable;
4636.  Honey mustard has mayonnaise (in it).  Honey-flavored mustard does not. . . . Who knew?
4637.  There’s a bit of hidden magic in every mistake.  This magic is called learning;
4638.  Even animals have the ability to learn from their mistakes;
4639.  Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new;
4640.  If you are learning something new, you are then required to make mistakes in order to fully understand what you have learned;
4641.  The reality is that if you want to be successful in life, not just get by, you need to be able to try new things.  And if you do that, be prepared to be disappointed;
4642.  Inside every problem lies an opportunity, just like inside every disappointment lies a priceless gem of wisdom.  The key is knowing how to deal with and learn from disappointment;
4643.  Only fools expect everything to go their way.  Expecting to be disappointed does not mean being passive or a defeated loser.  It is a way of mentally and emotionally preparing yourself to be ready for surprises that you may not want.  This allows you to be calm and dignified when things don’t go your way, which in turn allows you to think better;
4644.  Success takes time and, along the way, there is much disappointment.  You have to be ready and willing to keep pushing and learning;
4645.  One of the most painful aspects about making mistakes or failing at something is not what other people say about us, but how hard we are on ourselves.  Most people make a mistake and beat themselves up more than anyone else would.  It’s hard to learn anything new if you punish yourself all the time.  So be kind to yourself;
4646.  We all make mistakes and face disappointments.  The difference lies in how we process them.  This starts with facing the consequences of our actions and telling the truth about why we failed.  Only then can we grow and learn;
4647.  The greatest cause of financial struggle is the fear of losing money.  It’s this fear that causes people to often operate too safely;
4648.  Daniel Goleman, in the book, Emotional Intelligence, uses the ratio of 24:1 in comparing the power of the emotional brain to the rational brain.  In other words, when emotions are high, intelligence is low.  All of us have experienced events in our lives when our emotions overtook our rational thoughts.  It often seems impossible to overcome our emotions and act rationally;
4649.  Part of becoming successful is recognizing patterns that hold you back and taking action to overcome those patterns.  When we are faced with fear of risk, we must be able to rationally recognize that fear before it becomes too strong to overcome.  This requires self-knowledge that is the result of constant self-assessment;
4650.  If you can keep your emotions in check and go for what you know to be logical, you have a good chance of being successful.  It’s a process of knowing which of your thoughts are emotion-based and which are logic-based.  The most important conversation is always the one you have with yourself;